Direct Primary Care Protects Employers’ Bottom Lines
Before the pandemic, healthcare spending was expected to rise by 42 percent between 2019 and 2028. According to a recent survey by the National Business Group on Health (NBGH)¹, large U.S. employers predicted their healthcare costs for 2020 would rise by a median of 6 percent without any cost management adjustments, and by 5 percent if cost […]
Membership Now Available for Furloughed, Part-time and Laid Off Employees Within the US
Introducing MyDPCplus, a Direct Primary Care Membership for Individuals, Nationwide In March of 2020, an unprecedented 701,000 Americans lost their jobs – the largest change in a single month since 1975. Restaurants, retailers, bars, and gig workers have been hit particularly hard, and the job losses are projected to get worse before they get better. It’s no surprise that […]
DPC is a Better Healthcare Option for Small Businesses
For companies, providing employees with healthcare tends to be the second-largest operating expense after payroll. As a small business who may be struggling to attract top talent and pay competitive salaries, an attractive benefits package could be the difference between hiring the best in your field or having to settle for second best. More often than […]
The Breakdown Between Health Insurance and Healthcare
When you consider the fact that health insurance was created by hospitals and physicians trying to recover from the Great Depression by selling plans for prepaid healthcare, you understand the system was never designed with patients in mind. Over the years, it’s become a giant institution characterized by skyrocketing costs and ineffective care. Insurance companies pressure […]
The Decline of People with a Primary Care Physician Raises Concern
A study* recently illustrated a significant decline in Americans who have primary care providers. Research shows a significant decline in people with a designated primary care physician. Specifically, the number of people in the U.S. with primary care physicians dropped 2 percent between 2002 and 2015. Among 30-somethings, there was an even sharper decline – those […]
Innovative Healthcare Solutions Shine at ASCEND 2020
The ASCEND Agency Growth & Leadership Summit took place in Dallas Jan. 9 – 12, 2020. In addition to sponsoring the event, Healthcare2U had the opportunity to host a booth along with many other benefits providers. Not only was it a great opportunity to speak with benefits brokers looking for innovative healthcare solutions, but it […]
The Primary Care Enhancement Act Could Improve Access to Quality Healthcare
A new bill seeks to improve affordability and expand access to primary care for patients. The Primary Care Enhancement Act was introduced by U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), Doug Jones (D-AL), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). The legislation seeks to make Direct Primary Care (DPC) compatible with health savings accounts (HSAs) paired with […]
Chronic Disease and the Impact of Primary Care Physicians
As large segments of the population age and life becomes more stressful, chronic diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent across the U.S. With 75 percent of typical primary care visits for multiple chronic illnesses, primary care physicians are feeling this rise more than anyone else. And because of mounting pressure from insurance companies to see a high volume […]
Can Direct Primary Care Stop the Bleeding within the U.S. Healthcare System?
A study published in JAMA on Waste in the U.S. Health Care System shined a light on what we’ve known for years: the healthcare system in America is broken. By their estimates, nearly 30 percent of healthcare spending is wasteful and is bleeding the U.S. healthcare system. When you break down that statistic into dollars, […]
How to Introduce Direct Primary Care to Employees
While direct primary care (DPC) is not new, some employee populations have not heard about DPC, or they may not be well-educated on the membership benefits. Most employee populations are familiar with fee-for-service models where they have premiums, deductibles, claims, and co-pays. So how do you introduce direct primary care to an employee population and […]