Direct Primary Care as an Employer Health Plan Strategy

Health insurance often feels like a financial gamble for employers and employees. Some health plans leave employees with high out-of-pocket costs and a substantial financial burden, while others raise claims and damage a company’s bottom line. Instead of leaving the decision to “dealer’s choice,” brokers can assist employers with a health plan strategy that offers […]
The Disruption of the Status Quo

The healthcare industry has multiple players, and like every pair of rivals, there is a genuine struggle between the status quo and those who are disrupting the industry. In Nelson Griswold’s article It’s time to choose: Status quo or disruption, the power struggle is illustrated between the “Status Quo” and the “Disruptors.” For years, insurance conglomerates with fee-for-service models have influenced the […]
Brokers: Increase the Value of Employee Benefits, Not the Cost

An estimated five percent increase in health benefits cost raises employee contribution to nearly $15,000 annually. The National Business Group on Health released its annual survey of 150 large US employers to find they estimate a five percent increase in health benefits cost for 2020. They foresee employers contributing 70 percent, leaving 30 percent to employees – […]
Utilizing Direct Primary Care to Promote Cost Transparency

“Flying blind” is a term that may sound acceptable to adrenal-junkies but is unsettling in the context of seeking and acquiring medical care. Imagine not knowing the price of a meal until you’re finished eating or hiring a cleaning service to shampoo your carpets without an estimate beforehand. It wouldn’t happen – the purchasing power of consumers simply wouldn’t allow it. However, this scenario is very common within the healthcare industry. Patients receive services and prescriptions that are crucial to their health without understanding the accumulating costs. Healthcare has become opaque. “Everyone’s flying […]
Health Insurance Literacy: Employees Need More Resources

Without a doubt, healthcare is a complex entity that includes multiple constituents beyond the patient and care provider. From various carriers to government regulations, the intricacies of healthcare can turn around even the most informed consumers. So, what happens when consumers become overwhelmed by options and guidelines? Among other factors, the complications lead to a […]
Are High-Deductible Plans Placing Employee Health at Risk?

Chronic disease management is not only expensive and complex but it’s key in improving patient outcomes and minimizing overall healthcare expenditures. Currently, the price tag of chronic illnesses accounts for 72 percent of the $2.2 trillion spent on healthcare in the U.S. each year. Diabetes is one such chronic condition that is so common, 30 […]
Telehealth: Transforming the Value of Employee Benefits

When implementing a telehealth program into a benefits package, it has the potential to transform an employee’s access to healthcare. Instead of waiting weeks for an in-office visit, employees can now address concerns quickly and reduce the utilization of unnecessary emergency services. Telehealth is a common benefit these days, but industry professionals weren’t always […]
Open Enrollment Checklist

For those on the forefront of the benefits landscape, the first of November marks the beginning of another open enrollment season. As many of you know, this is the time for employees to enroll in the health insurance options provided to them by their employers. Hopefully during this time, several key attributes come together to […]