Fighting a Killer

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is a general term used to describe disorders that affect the cardiovascular system, meaning a disorder of the heart or blood vessels. Most CVDs are brought on by chronic conditions which develop over extended periods of time. Because of the nature of chronic disease, cardiovascular health is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and longevity. As the world’s number one killer, CVD claims around 17 million lives a year — meaning one in ten people, aged between 30 to 70 years old, will die from this non-communicable disease (NCD).

In 2012, as a response to CVD and other diseases, world leaders made a commitment to reducing the global mortality rate from NCDs by 25 percent before 2025. This commitment is the inspiration for World Heart Day which brings awareness across nations in the fight against CVD.

For World Heart Day let’s focus on three tips to living a heart-healthy life:

Say “no” to smoking

Exercise consistently

Eat healthy

Say “No” to Smoking

It’s not easy – we understand that. However, quitting smoking is a huge step towards a healthier lifestyle. Almost one third of deaths from CVD are attributed to smoking. As one of the most preventable causes of death in the US, you can join the millions of people who are successfully quitting each year. Here are a few things you can do to help you get started.

  1. Set your quit day – Choose the day to turn your life around! This gives you time to prepare and start out on the right foot.
  2. Choose your method – There are three different ways to quit smoking: “cold turkey”, cutting down, or smoking part of each cigarette. Pick which method is best for you!
  3. Incorporate help – If necessary, you can incorporate Nicotine gum, lozenges, or the patch to ease your body’s withdrawal affects. All of these items can be found over the counter.
  4. Make a plan – Celebrate the days of successfully not smoking with healthy things you enjoy. (i.e. movie, hobby, friend gatherings)

Exercise Consistently

According to the American Heart Association, the first step to getting active is to consider the amount of exercise you’re currently getting. For adults, the recommended amount is at least 150 minutes per week, which can be broken up into 30-minute increments a day. For children, they recommend 300 minutes a week.

Once you’ve evaluated what your normal weekly amount is, find activities that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s playing a specific sport or taking walks with your family, incorporate it! The key to consistent exercise is incorporating regular activity into your weekly schedule. Once you’ve nailed down a consistent schedule, consider pushing for 10 more minutes of activity!

Eat Healthy

Similar to exercising consistently, the best way to begin eating well, is to first understand what you’re currently consuming. Registered Dietitian Riska Platt recommends keeping a food diary for a couple weeks to understand the nutrient composition and pattern of your diet. Understand why you’re eating and if there are any specific emotions attached.

From there, you have an idea of where changes can be made. Her tips also include starting small, one meal at a time. Focus on attainable goals and where you can incorporate healthier options. For example, trade butter for a healthier olive or canola oil, or incorporate more fiber-rich whole grains by substituting white for whole grain bread. Get into the habit of reading labels to limit daily consumption of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars.

Wherever you’re at in your health journey, consider focusing on one of these tips today. Cardiovascular disease is preventable with the right measures. Share this with your friends and family to build a community of people living a healthier life. Together, we can fight this.


Content updated on 4-23-2021

7 Ways to Celebrate Women’s Health & Fitness Day

Women’s Health and Fitness Day brings attention to the importance of regular exercise and healthy living for women of all ages. There are various ways to love your body in terms of health and fitness, so we’ve put together a short list of ways to guide you towards healthy living. Consider calling up your best girlfriend or enjoy these tips for yourself; either way, get creative in exercising your health and fitness today!

  1. Be Active by attending a fitness class

Zumba, Pilates, Yoga, Barre – try a new fitness class or go to one you love. Yoga can provide physical and mental benefits by relieving chronic pain and help you manage stress. High Intensity Interval Training classes such as Zumba, Pilates and Barre are great for reducing blood pressure and burning calories in a short amount of time. Check out fitness classes online for easy access!

  1. Be Healthy by getting your thyroid checked

One in eight women will develop thyroid problems during her lifetime. The thyroid is an important part of the body, effecting many bodily functions from your metabolism to your ability to get pregnant. The good news is that is you develop hypo or hyperthyroidism these conditions can be treated with medication to regulate the production of thyroid hormones. If you are worried about the condition of your thyroid, make an appointment with your primary care physician to check it out!

  1. Rest by taking a nap

Feeling a little run down? The National Sleep Foundation states that naps can restore alertness, enhance performance, and reduce mistakes and accidents for the period directly following the nap up to a few hours after. It can also provide a psychological benefit for you, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. Make sure you allow yourself to rest and wind down to limit stress levels and enhance your performance!

  1. Explore by going for a walk

Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can have numerous benefits to your health. Regular walks can help you maintain a healthy weight, prevent and manage heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. It can also strengthen your bones and muscles as well as improve your overall balance and coordination. Grab a friend to keep you company and hit the nearest trail or sidewalk!

  1. Be Strong by maintaining strong bones

The National Osteoporosis Foundation explains that women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis because females naturally have smaller, thinner bones than men. Also, our hormone estrogen, which protects bones, decreases at menopause. Good news is there’s a simple secret to help lower your risk! Enjoy a well-balanced diet that includes calcium and vitamin D (either organically or through supplements), exercise, and limit smoking and drinking.

  1. Hydrate by drinking water

Monthly changes in female estrogen and progesterone levels (also known as Menstruation) impacts the female body’s ability to hydrate. To keep optimal function during this time, it’s ideal for blood volume to be high. The reason? When a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels are high, she loses around 8 percent of plasma volume (the watery part of blood). Therefore, it’s important to hydrate before monthly cycles and especially before any form of exercise. Get creative and try putting some citrus or fruit in your water!

  1. Indulge by treating yourself to some chocolate

You read that correctly. Dark chocolate is made mostly of cocoa solids which contains iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and flavanols. These flavanols may help to protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of diabetes. It’s always best in moderation and with the highest percentage of cacao. Check out chocolates at your local grocer, aim for 80-90% cocoa!


Content updated 4-23-2021

The Fight Against Childhood Obesity

Pediatric obesity, commonly known as childhood obesity, is rising across the nation. According to the American Heart Association, one in three American minors are considered overweight. The responsibility of maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t fall solely on the child, parents are an influential factor for developing children’s healthy eating and activity habits. Since September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, we’re looking into what defines this disease and how parents can play an important role in combating the issue.

Defining Childhood Obesity

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defines childhood obesity by measuring a child’s body mass index (BMI). This BMI number (calculated through an individual’s height and weight) presents a relevant measurement of body composition. For children and teens, BMI is age and sex-specific and is often referred to as BMI-for-age. Therefore, the childhood obesity category is defined as a child whose BMI is higher than 95% of other children their age and gender.

Health Effects

Childhood obesity can have many short and long-term effects on a child’s health. Some health concerns may appear immediately (lethargy, difficulty breathing or doing physical activities) while others may arise later in life (high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular problems). Obesity can also impair a child’s glucose response which can lead to type 2 diabetes, cause joint and muscular discomfort, fatty liver disease, and gallstones. But the physical effects aren’t the only thing an obese child can suffer from. It can often affect the mental well-being of a child, causing issues such as depression or guilt.

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

It can be easy to misperceive where a child falls in their weight category. However, annual physicals with a primary care or family physician are a beneficial way to keep track of weight and overall growth. Depending on a child’s age, they may not fully understand the concept of weight and nutrition, making it crucial for parents to simply promote a healthy lifestyle. The information below provides nutritional and physical activity tips that parents can use to combat the development of childhood obesity.

The Power of Nutrition[1]

  1. Identify a time and location for meals.
    • Routine meals play an important role in healthy digestion. Eating at the same time and in the same location minimizes excessive snacking and encourages appropriate portion size. Try to gather the family for meals at the dining room or kitchen table away from the TV or computer.
  2. Quantify sugary drinks.
    • Be aware of sugar consumption, especially in the form of drinks like sodas, juices, and even chocolate milk. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, sugary beverages contribute to weight gain more so than solid foods since the body does not feel full through sugary drinks and therefore does not reduce calorie intake from other foods.
  3. Promote fruits and vegetables.
    • Children often find one or two fruits or vegetables that they enjoy. By consistently rotating their favorite vegetables and trying new ones, a child will gain an appreciation for healthy snacks and, quite possibly, a higher happiness level.
  4. Incorporate complex carbs.
    • By incorporating complex carbs into your child’s diet, you will be able to help avoid blood sugar swings caused by simple carbs. Simple carbs that are often found in processed or refined items and can leave a child feeling hungry or unfulfilled. Instead, incorporate more complex carbs that are found in whole wheat products.
  5. Provide a lean menu.
    • There are many options for meat and poultry that considered lean meats (lower in fat). To keep a healthy and balanced diet, grill and bake these lean meats versus indulging in too many fatty or fried foods. As you know, fatty foods can have a huge impact on a child’s future cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function.


The Power of Physical Activity[1]

  1. Increase physical activity.
    • Incorporate opportunities for physical activity and fitness into your child’s daily schedule. Walking or biking to school, walking the family dog, or even enrolling the child in organized sports can increase activity levels and even brain stimulation.
  2. Reduce sedentary activity.
    • Limiting a child’s screen time is crucial in preventing a sedentary lifestyle. As difficult as it may be in this digital world, two hours a day is the recommended limit on TVs and computers.
  3. Meet the recommended amount of physical activity.
    • The daily recommended minimal amount of physical activity is one hour. Suggest activities that involve the family or your child’s friends. The physical activity doesn’t have to be met all at once, but this daily goal can be highly beneficial on a child’s health in the long run.

Childhood obesity may be rising in America, but your child isn’t alone in this fight. Being mindful, incorporating beneficial activities, and informing them on how to live a healthy lifestyle can drastically make a difference. Share these steps with your family today and you can maintain your child’s healthy weight and combat childhood obesity together.


Five Tips to Prepare for a Healthier School Year

For parents of school-aged children, the start of school comes with a fair amount of preparation. New clothes, shoes, and school supplies are purchased to prepare students for a successful year of learning. Amidst all the traditional items, it’s easy to overlook preparing their physical well-being as they enter a new year.  Now that school is back in session, here are five valuable tips to ensure a healthier school year!

  1. Ensure prescriptions are up-to-date and filled.

Medications can get expensive, but the generic version can help lower your costs dramatically. If your child has medication, be sure to update and fill new prescriptions for the school nurse. When bringing the medication to school, ensure your child’s full name and homeroom teacher is included, as well as what dosage should be given, when it should be administered and any other important notes (i.e. with/without food or water).

  1. Get your young athlete a physical.

All student athletes are required to get a physical sports exam before they can participate. Why not get ahead of the game and get one now? These exams can be very valuable in determining any potential risks on existing injuries or medical conditions, as well as evaluate the function of vital organs such as the heart and lungs.

  1. Bring back the bedtime routine.

During the summer, kids are staying up and sleeping in a little later. Which is why it’s important that back to school preparation brings a healthier sleep routine. According to the National Sleep Foundation, school-aged children (6-13 years) are recommended 9-11 hours of sleep and teenagers (14-17 years) are recommended 8-10 hours.

  1. Stock up on healthy snacks.

While closets and backpacks are getting filled for the start of the school year, make sure the pantry does too! Throughout the school year, keep healthy snacks on-hand to ensure children are getting essential nutrients in their diet. Find out which fruits and vegetables they love to keep them stocked! Here is a list of other healthy snacks to try as well.

  1. Healthcare2U members, save (800) 496-2805 for non-emergency health-related circumstances.

There’s no doubt that at some point, your child may get sick or a minor injury this school year. With Healthcare2U’s unlimited and immediate services, you don’t have to worry – bilingual medical assistants are only a phone call away! Acute illnesses are promised as same or next-day appointments and a prescription can easily be filled over the phone, if necessary.

Preparing for the new school year can be exciting and stressful, and while Healthcare2U can’t help with school supplies and carpooling – we are here to make your family’s healthcare convenient and more affordable. Our Direct Primary Care services help you save money through unlimited doctor office visits and unlimited 24/7/365 telehealth. At $10 a visit, members receive access to guaranteed same or next-day office appointments at $10 a visit, unlimited 24/7/365 telehealth at $0 out-of-pocket cost, and chronic disease management for 13 prevalent disease states for $10 per visit. In the event you have questions or concerns, a physician can guide you and your family through steps toward a healthier lifestyle!

Healthcare2U Answers Massachusetts’ Expensive Employer-Sponsored Insurance Premiums with Affordable No-Claims Healthcare™

Massachusetts’ Employers Demand Alternative Solutions to Contain Healthcare Costs

AUGUST 15, 2018 – BOSTON, MA – Due to broker and employer demand for lower healthcare costs, Healthcare2U has expanded its nationwide Direct Primary Care services into Boston with the addition of a new clinic. In 2017, Massachusetts had the fourth-highest employer-sponsored insurance premiums in the country, prompting employers to seek affordable healthcare alternatives. Through Healthcare2U’s membership-based Direct Primary Care, Massachusetts employers can shield claims from their insurance plans, which results in lower premiums.

“We’ve created a nationwide, integrated Direct Primary Care solution that unloads claims from an employer’s insurance plan while delivering the benefits of Direct Primary Care to the employee,” says Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “When integrated into traditional self-insured programs, Healthcare2U has shown that stop-loss carriers are routinely giving significant reductions in aggregate factors and stop-loss premiums.”

Healthcare2U delivers membership-based healthcare on a national scale through its proprietary Private Physician Network™ (PPN). Within these clinics, Healthcare2U provides same-day and next-day doctor appointments for acute issues at $10 a visit and around-the-clock telehealth for $0 out-of-pocket cost. In addition to unlimited same-day/next-day acute visits, Healthcare2U physician partners agree to treat 13 of the most prevalent chronic disease states for the same $10 visit fee. Healthcare2U physician partners also agree to practice generic-first protocols to reduce pharmaceutical costs for employers and their employees.

“Many people don’t realize the importance and impact of quality primary care,” says Dr. John Rodriguez, CMO of Healthcare2U. “When given the opportunity, Primary Care Physicians can treat health issues that patients typically visit an expensive specialist or emergency room. Healthcare2U allows physicians to practice medicine by removing the red tape and claims-administration from our partner clinics.”


About Healthcare2U
Healthcare2U, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a leader in delivering Direct Primary Care, wellness and chronic disease management to employers of all sizes. Through a network of more than 240 partner clinics across the nation, Healthcare2U is breaking down barriers for convenient access to quality medical care. The company is focused on promoting healthy living while preventing disease. Healthcare2U is redefining how healthcare is delivered to improve the overall consumer medical experience while holding the line on employer costs. For a complete list of clinics, see For more information, visit


Media Contact

Courtney Babin, Healthcare2U
512-900-8900 x 114

Convenient Access to Direct Primary Care Arrives in Salt Lake City Through Healthcare2U

Healthcare2U Answers Employer Demand for Accessible Primary Care for Employees

AUGUST 03, 2018 – SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – Healthcare2U’s new physician partnership in Salt Lake City, Utah is the first integrated Direct Primary Care clinic in the state. Utah is the fourth healthiest state nationwide but surprisingly lacks a sufficient number of primary care physicians, creating Medically Underserved Populations across Utah, and in particular, Salt Lake City. In response, employers are demanding access to Direct Primary Care, a healthcare membership which eliminates the inaccessibility of healthcare.

“The need for convenient access to primary care is not new,” says Dr. John Rodriguez, Chief Medical Officer of Healthcare2U. “Without access to a primary care physician, many people must visit urgent care clinics or emergency rooms for primary care treatment. This routine generates expensive co-pays and insurance claims which dissuade patients from seeking appropriate care. When patients avoid care it often causes small issues to become serious health risks, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care membership simplifies care while eliminating those concerns.”

Healthcare2U delivers membership-based healthcare on a national scale through its proprietary Private Physician Network™ (PPN). Within these clinics, Healthcare2U provides same-day and next-day doctor appointments for acute issues at $10 a visit and around-the-clock telehealth for $0 out-of-pocket cost. In addition to unlimited same-day/next-day acute visits, Healthcare2U physician partners agree to treat 13 of the most prevalent chronic disease states for the same $10 visit fee. Healthcare2U physician partners also agree to practice generic-first protocols to reduce pharmaceutical costs for employers and their employees.

“Convenient Direct Primary Care encourages patients to establish a trusting relationship with their doctors, therefore they are more likely to make educated healthcare decisions,” says Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “With simplified coverage, we create an opportunity for employers and patients to contain healthcare costs and utilize available Direct Primary Care resources to their advantage. To put it simply, that’s Healthcare2U’s mission: accessible and affordable healthcare.”


About Healthcare2U
Healthcare2U, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a leader in delivering direct primary care, wellness and chronic disease management to employers of all sizes. Through a network of more than 240 partner clinics across the nation, Healthcare2U is breaking down barriers to convenient access to quality medical care. The company is focused on promoting healthy living while preventing disease. Healthcare2U is redefining how healthcare is delivered to improve the overall consumer medical experience while holding the line on employer costs. For a complete list of clinics, see For more information, visit


Media Contact
Courtney Babin, Healthcare2U
512-900-8900 x 114

Amid Limited Providers and Premium Increases, Healthcare2U | No-Claims Healthcare™ Enters Memphis

Healthcare2U Brings Direct Primary Care to Memphis In Response to Employer Demands For Affordable Healthcare Solutions

JULY 19, 2018 – MEMPHIS, TN – In response to Tennessee’s sharp premium increases and the demand for affordable group healthcare solutions, Healthcare2U has added three clinics in Memphis. Over the last few years, providers have exited the Memphis marketplace, resulting in increased premiums and only one provider for multiple regions within Tennessee. Healthcare2U’s presence alleviates the healthcare burden for employers by providing an affordable healthcare alternative in the form of Direct Primary Care.

“Employers need affordable and accessible healthcare for their employees without the enormous financial burden,” says Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “This reason is why Healthcare2U is expanding quickly and purposefully across the nation. We want to provide Direct Primary Care to any employer struggling to provide their employees quality, useable benefits.”

Healthcare2U delivers membership-based healthcare on a national scale through its proprietary Private Physician Network™. Within these clinics, Healthcare2U provides same-day and next-day doctor appointments for acute issues at $10 a visit and around-the-clock telemedicine for $0 out-of-pocket cost. In addition to unlimited same-day/next-day acute visits, Healthcare2U’s mission is to also diagnose and treat disease states through their partner clinics, saving employers and their employees on specialist-care claims. Therefore, Healthcare2U physician partners agree to treat 13 of the most prevalent disease states for the same $10 visit fee. Physician partners also agree to practice generic-first protocols to reduce pharmaceutical costs.

“Healthcare2U’s practice protocols alleviate healthcare concerns for employers their employees,” says John Rodriguez, Chief Medical Officer of Healthcare2U. “We contain costs for employer groups by drawing insurance claims away from an employer’s insurance, towards our Direct Primary Care membership. This practice contains an employer’s cost while providing employees immediate access to care, preventing unnecessary use of urgent care clinics and emergency rooms. With this innovative membership, we are redefining how healthcare is delivered.”

About Healthcare2U
Healthcare2U, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a leader in delivering direct primary care, wellness, and chronic disease management to employers of all sizes. Through a network of more than 240 partner clinics across the nation, Healthcare2U is breaking down barriers to convenient access to quality medical care. The company is focused on promoting healthy living while preventing disease. Healthcare2U is redefining how healthcare is delivered to improve the overall consumer medical experience while holding the line on employer costs. For a complete list of clinics, see For more information, visit


Media Contact

Courtney Babin, Healthcare2U
512-900-8900 x 114

Direct Primary Care Expands into California’s Central Valley

Healthcare2U | No-Claims Healthcare™ Prepares for National Growth Through Partnership with Pan-American Life Insurance Group  

JUNE 18, 2018 – FRESNO, CA – Healthcare2U has expanded into Fresno, CA. to support exciting growth behind their partnership with Pan-American Life Insurance Group. This collaborative product caters to employers of all types but has found a niche within service industries such as agriculture. The state of California is the leading agricultural producer within the United States and its Central Valley is home to a dense agricultural community – including a few of California’s largest agricultural companies.

“Agriculture and other service industries need affordable and comprehensive healthcare options,” says Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “With our collaborative product, employers can offer their employees useable benefits within an ACA-compliant plan. Combining unlimited Direct Primary Care and chronic disease management with hospitalization coverage is an innovative product that has changed the way healthcare is delivered for an affordable monthly rate.”

Combining the Pan-American PanaBridge Advantage with Healthcare2U offers a unique patient navigation platform that guides members toward affordable and convenient care within Healthcare2U’s proprietary Private Physicians Network (PPN)™. Healthcare2U provides unlimited same-day/next-day doctor appointments for acute issues at $10 a visit and around-the-clock telemedicine for no out-of-pocket cost. In addition, members receive unlimited access to chronic disease management for 13 of the most prevalent diseases at the same visit fee of $10. Physicians within the Healthcare2U partner clinics also practice generic-first protocols to reduce pharmaceutical costs for employers and employees.

“In 2013, Healthcare2U was founded on the principle that quality healthcare and preventative services should be affordable and available nationally,” says John Rodriguez, Chief Medical Officer of Healthcare2U. “As we’ve grown, our mission has only deepened. We partner with organizations that value our goal to provide quality care to any employer who believes healthcare should be a benefit, not a burden.”

Healthcare2U has more than 240 clinics nationally and services more than 550 employer groups. The recent clinic addition in Fresno is Healthcare2U’s 5th clinic in California.

About Healthcare2U

Healthcare2U, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a leader in delivering direct primary care, wellness, and chronic disease management to employers of all sizes. Through a network of more than 240 partner clinics across the nation, Healthcare2U is breaking down barriers to convenient access to quality medical care. The company is focused on promoting healthy living while preventing disease. Healthcare2U is redefining how healthcare is delivered to improve the overall consumer medical experience while holding the line on employer costs. For a complete list of clinics, see  For more information, visit


Media Contact

Courtney Babin, Healthcare2U
512-900-8900 x 114

Healthcare2U No-Claims Healthcare™ Battles Nashville’s Expensive Health Insurance Premiums

Nashville’s Demand for Affordable Healthcare Has Been Answered by Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care

June 06, 2018 – NASHVILLE, TN – Due to the need for affordable and creative healthcare solutions in the marketplace, Healthcare2U has expanded its Direct Primary Care coverage into the Nashville area with the recent addition of three new clinics. In 2018, hikes in Tennessee’s health insurance premiums far exceeded those across the U.S., affecting Nashville’s healthcare marketplace drastically. Nashville currently has only two insurers and the low availability of providers contributes to their increased insurance premiums.

“In Nashville, from 2017 to 2018, the ACA’s Silver and Gold plans increased by about 37% and 67%, respectively. With these increases, traditional insurance plans have become more expensive while providing less coverage than ever. With these problems occurring nationally, it’s time to change the way healthcare is delivered,” says Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “An employer’s healthcare coverage should not be financially crippling. With premiums rising across Tennessee, Healthcare2U is dedicated to delivering affordable healthcare to employers across the state.”

Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care provides employers and their employees with a healthcare membership that prevents claims from hitting an employer’s health insurance. This membership provides employees access to unlimited same-day/next-day doctor appointments for acute issues for a $10 visit fee, and access to telehealth practitioners 24/7/365 for no additional out-of-pocket cost. In addition to acute primary care, Healthcare2U offers chronic disease management for 13 of the most prevalent disease states such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma at the same $10 visit fee. Healthcare2U physicians also practice generic-first protocols to reduce pharmaceutical spend for employers and their employees.

“The Direct Primary Care model is tried and true, dating back before big-insurance took the reins of healthcare. Now, with health insurance costs rising, employers see the benefit of a cost-saving model that endorses preventative care,” says Dr. John Rodriguez, Chief Medical Officer of Healthcare2U. “Our model promotes a relationship between members and their physician, which nurtures educated health decisions and healthier lifestyle choices for our members. In short, that’s how healthcare should be delivered.”

Healthcare2U has more than 235 clinics in its nationwide Private Physician Network (PPN)™, including clinics in Chattanooga and Knoxville.


About Healthcare2U
Healthcare2U, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a leader in delivering direct primary care, wellness, and chronic disease management to employers of all sizes. Through a network of more than 235 partner clinics across the nation, Healthcare2U is breaking down barriers to convenient access to quality medical care. The company is focused on promoting healthy living while preventing disease. Healthcare2U is redefining how healthcare is delivered to improve the overall consumer medical experience while holding the line on employer costs. For a complete list of clinics, see For more information, visit


Media Contact

Courtney Babin, Healthcare2U
512-900-8900 x 114

Healthcare2U | No-Claims Healthcare™ Accelerates Growth In 2018

Direct Primary Care Continues Expansion in Southeast Houston, Strengthening Doctor-Patient Relationships While Lowering Employer Healthcare Spend

May 22, 2018 – HOUSTON, TX — Healthcare2U is accelerating growth to meet employer and broker demand for affordable and convenient access to healthcare. In 2018, alone, Healthcare2U has expanded its national Private Physician Network (PPN)™ with additions in California, Texas, Florida, and Tennessee. Healthcare2U’s newest physician partnership is in La Porte, TX – making this the ninth clinic in the Houston area and the 67th in the Lone Star State.

“Healthcare2U is committed to our national expansion,” said Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “We provide employers with a high-quality healthcare alternative to combat their rising healthcare costs. Our mission is simple: provide No-Claims Healthcare™ to employers so they contain healthcare spend while giving their employees usable healthcare benefits.”

Healthcare2U’s model is dedicated to simplifying the entry point of healthcare. Through their proprietary Private Physicians Network (PPN)™, Healthcare2U provides same-day and next-day doctor appointments for acute issues at $10 a visit and around-the-clock telehealth for no out-of-pocket cost. In addition, members receive access to chronic disease management for 13 of the most prevalent chronic disease states at the same visit fee of $10. Physicians within the Healthcare2U network also practice generic-first protocols to reduce pharmaceutical costs for employers and employees.

“No matter where you live, high-quality healthcare is important. Unfortunately, costs are rising, forcing doctors to choose the number of patients over their quality of care,” said Dr. John Rodriguez, Healthcare2U Chief Medical Officer. “Healthcare2U solves that problem by partnering with doctors who believe in fostering a culture of patient-first attention. Through these practices, Healthcare2U is able to strengthen doctor-patient relationships while educating the patient on affordable healthcare options.”


About Healthcare2U

Healthcare2U, headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a leader in delivering direct primary care, wellness and chronic disease management to employers of all sizes. Through a network of more than 230 partner clinics across the nation, Healthcare2U is breaking down barriers to convenient access to quality medical care. The company is focused on promoting healthy living while preventing disease. Healthcare2U is redefining how healthcare is delivered to improve the overall consumer medical experience while holding the line on employer costs. For a complete list of clinics, see: For more information, visit


Media Contact

Courtney Babin, Healthcare2U
512-900-8900 x 114