Is There Such a Thing as Balance?

Many people struggle to make their careers fit with the needs of their families. Work, children, and significant others combine to form a juggling act of sorts. Add to that personal development, self-care, health and fitness — many end up feeling like they fall woefully short. Fitness, work, and family don’t have to be mutually […]

Men Visit the Doctor Less Than Women

Men visit the doctor less than women

A recent study by Cleveland Clinic highlighted the fact that there is a gender gap when it comes to medical care: men visit the doctor less than women. Of the men they surveyed, 65 percent said they avoid going to the doctor as long as possible. Seventy-two percent said they’d rather do household chores, like cleaning […]

Hidden Causes of Hypertension

High blood pressure, or hypertension, often has no symptoms or warning signs. This silent foe can harm your blood vessels, heart, brain, eyes, and kidneys. An estimated 46 percent of adults in the United States have hidden causes of hypertension. Unhealthy habits like smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise can combine to contribute to elevated […]

Solutions for Anxiety and Depression

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people suffering from anxiety and depression is increasing globally. The number went from 416 million in 1990 to 615 million as of 2013. Feeling a little down from time to time is a normal occurrence but solutions for anxiety and depression are needed. Anxiety is […]

The Importance of Primary Care

It seems the number of Americans with primary care providers (PCPs) is shrinking. Part of it is due to economic disparities and other barriers to care. In fact, 50 percent of Americans say they put off getting healthcare because of costs. But there’s also a growing number of people who don’t understand the importance of primary care […]

DPC Will Be Crucial for Health Plans Going Forward

Despite best efforts at containment by governments, employers and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, it continued to spread and placed extraordinary pressure on the American healthcare system. This unexpected rise in the demand for care will likely lead to a sudden and significant increase in employer healthcare costs in the upcoming year, if not years […]

Tips to Stay Fit at Home

It only takes a short time for a healthy person to become measurably less healthy when sedentary. According to the University of Liverpool, just two weeks without regular physical fitness can lead to muscular and metabolic changes that could potentially increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and possibly even premature death. Physical activity is […]

The Connection Between Health and Friendship

Recent world events have caused many to express gratitude for the things they took for granted in the past, especially the ability to gather with friends and family or attend other social events. A support system, or the lack thereof, sharply comes into focus during times of crisis. A 2015 study found that having diabetes can […]

Stress Relief in Times of Uncertainty

The body’s fight or flight response was designed to protect us and propel us into action in times of perceived danger, but when left on for prolonged periods, the chemicals released by our brain can have negative impacts on our health. It’s easy to see how anxiety and tension affect our mood and mental health, […]

Will Direct Primary Care Be 2020’s Health Care Darling?

Article: Will Direct Primary Care Be 2020’s Health Care Darling? Publication: InsuranceNewsNet Magazine Author: Andy Bonner The portrait of the American healthcare system isn’t pretty. The Commonwealth Fund reported in November that health insurance costs and deductible costs have been growing faster than the median income in all states over the past decade, meaning many working families are spending […]