The Connection Between Health and Friendship

Recent world events have caused many to express gratitude for the things they took for granted in the past, especially the ability to gather with friends and family or attend other social events. A support system, or the lack thereof, sharply comes into focus during times of crisis. A 2015 study found that having diabetes can raise your risk of high blood pressure by 70 percent. Even more alarming, the study found that not having friends increased the risk of high blood pressure a whopping 124 percent. The connection between health and friendship is strong.

Studies have shown that older adults with a fulfilling social life are likely to live longer than their peers with fewer social connections. Having a reliable social support system is a great way to reduce the risk for many significant health problems such as depression, unhealthy body mass index (BMI), and high blood pressure. It turns out that in addition to adding more fun to our lives, friends also play a significant role in promoting overall health and wellness.

Good Relationships are Good for You

We’ve all heard about negative peer pressure that leads to smoking, drug use, overeating, and other bad habits. But positive peer pressure is just as real. One study found that when one person packed on extra pounds, his or her friends were more likely to become obese too. The opposite was also true. Researchers found that people are also influenced by their friends who exercise or eat well to lose weight.

In short, if you surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude and healthy habits, you’re more likely to make positive changes in your own habits. If you develop relationships with people who are generous with others, ambitious, or family-oriented, you’re more likely to develop those values yourself.

Emotional Support in Difficult Times

Friends are especially important during times of crisis and turbulence. If you find yourself going through a hard time, having a friend to lean on can make the situation more manageable. A lack of friends can leave you feeling isolated and unsupported, which makes you susceptible to other problems like depression and substance abuse.

Having the encouragement of at least one person can build confidence and give you the strength to tackle life’s difficulties. A major study found women with breast cancer who were assigned to attend support groups with other cancer patients reported better quality of life and lived longer compared to women in a control group who weren’t assigned to support groups. A similar study found that women with breast cancer in a support group lived twice as long as those not in a group. They also had much less pain.

Having good friends helps people deal better with stress. Stress causes elevated cortisol levels, which can lead to other health problems like:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Headaches
  • Heart disease
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Digestion problems
  • Insomnia
  • Weight gain

It’s easy to see why having friends to depend on in turbulent times is vital for your mental and physical health.

Good Health and Friendships Take Effort

Once you become an adult with a thriving career, bustling children, aging parents, and a host of other responsibilities, it can be challenging to make new friends or maintain existing friendships. It’s easy to grow apart as lives change and priorities shift.

Developing and maintaining good friendships takes effort. However, the enjoyment and health benefits friendship provides make it a worthwhile investment. Meeting new people can seem hard if it’s not something you’re used to, so don’t leave it to chance. Develop a strategy to meet new people who could become good friends.

Here are some ways you can meet potential new friends:

  1. Volunteer – you can form strong connections when you work with people who share your passion for a cause.
  2. Attend a community event or meetup group – people like to gather around shared interests.
  3. Take a class – you’re likely to meet people who share a particular interest in a college or community education course.
  4. Join a faith community – being around people of like faith can provide encouragement in difficult times.
  5. Explore the great outdoors – taking a walk on the beach or visiting a local park is a fun way to meet new people and get some exercise.
  6. Join a professional organization – you may find it benefits your career as well as your personal life.

Don’t wait for people to approach you. Put on a friendly face and take the initiative. You’ll be surprised to find people are more open to connection than you think. Above all, keep a positive outlook. You may not become friends with everyone you meet, but you’ll be sowing seeds for a more fulfilling and healthier life.

Get Virtual Support

While it’s great to put yourself out there in real life, sometimes circumstances like social distancing make it nearly impossible. In times like these, online connections become a great alternative. Here are a few ways to stay connected to your support system in an increasingly virtual world.

  • Online Book Club Hangouts
  • Virtual Dates or Meetups
  • Virtual Game Nights
  • Weekly Video Calls
  • Social Media Watch Parties

When it comes to relationships, you realize the quality of your friends greatly enhances the quality of your life. Regardless of what’s going on in the world, the time you invest in valuable relationships is time invested in your physical and mental wellbeing.

Stress Relief in Times of Uncertainty

The body’s fight or flight response was designed to protect us and propel us into action in times of perceived danger, but when left on for prolonged periods, the chemicals released by our brain can have negative impacts on our health. It’s easy to see how anxiety and tension affect our mood and mental health, but they also cause harmful side effects for our physical health. Here we’ll examine how it manifests in the body and how you can combat stress and its effects.

How Stress Affects the Body

Stress causes the muscles to tense up all at once and then release their tension when it passes. Chronic stress keeps the muscles in a constant state of alert. When muscles are taut and tense for prolonged periods, this can trigger other reactions in the body and even cause stress-related disorders. Tension headaches and migraine headaches are both associated with chronic muscle tension in the area of the shoulders, neck, and head. Musculoskeletal pain in the lower back and upper extremities has also been linked to stress, especially job stress.

Constant stress can also contribute to long-term problems for the heart and blood vessels. A consistent increase in heart rate, along with elevated levels of stress hormones and blood pressure, can exact a toll on the body. Long-term stress can increase the risk of hypertension, heart attack, or stroke.

Experiencing stressors for an extended time can result in a long-term drain on the body. The continuous triggering of physical reactions by the autonomic nervous system causes wear-and-tear on the body. Not only does chronic stress cause fatigue and inflammation, but the continuous activation of the nervous system also damages other bodily systems.

Laughter Really Is Medicine

In times of distress, it can be challenging to remember the things that bring us joy or keep us calm. It requires effort to stay well-balanced in times of adversity. But research suggests that one of the best things you can do for stress relief is to laugh.

Laughing doesn’t just lighten your mood mentally; it actually causes physical changes in your body. A good laugh stimulates circulation and relaxes muscles, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and lowering immunity. Conversely, positive thoughts release neuropeptides that help relieve stress and fight other serious illnesses. Whether it’s phoning a friend, watching a funny video or your favorite sitcom, find ways to introduce more laughter into your life. It may not solve all your problems, but it can help you stay calm enough to make sound decisions.

Tips for Relaxation

There are a number of beneficial tools to curtail anxiety and its harmful effects on your health. They include:

  • Leaning on a healthy social support network
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Regular exercise
  • Meditation
  • Online therapy apps with licensed therapists

Laughter, relaxation techniques, therapy, and other stress-relieving activities have shown to effectively reduce muscle tension, decrease the incidence of certain stress-related disorders, and increase a sense of well-being. Who knows, now might be the perfect time to incorporate some of these stress relief practices into your life.


**Content updated on June 8, 2021

Membership Now Available for Furloughed, Part-time and Laid Off Employees Within the US

To enroll, visit

Introducing MyDPCplus, a Direct Primary Care Membership for Individuals, Nationwide

In March of 2020, an unprecedented 701,000 Americans lost their jobs – the largest change in a single month since 1975. Restaurants, retailers, bars, and gig workers have been hit particularly hard, and the job losses are projected to get worse before they get better. It’s no surprise that workers in these industries often lack the benefits or means to get basic healthcare when they are employed, much less unemployed. If COVID-19 has taught us nothing else, it’s that people need access to affordable medical care to stay healthy and mitigate future risks for serious illnesses. They also need to be able to see a doctor or access telemedicine in times of crisis without breaking the bank.

Healthcare2U’s mission from the start has been to break down barriers and make healthcare more affordable to all. To that end, we’re excited to launch our first coast-to-coast healthcare membership for individuals: My Direct Primary Care Plus (MyDPCplus). This healthcare membership for individuals makes it possible to gain primary care benefits for themselves and families without being employed. For those recently laid off or struggling to make ends meet, this is a game-changer.

Here we’ll cover why direct primary care (DPC) for individuals is so cost-effective, what the membership includes, and how members can use it in conjunction with traditional health insurance.

Why DPC is So Affordable

The average monthly cost of health insurance (including employer and employee contributions) for an individual in 2018 was $574 per month and family coverage averaged $1,634. Simply put, a person on unemployment with a family can’t afford those premiums which don’t include the expensive co-pays for in-office physician or urgent care visits. And even if individuals can secure insurance on their own, lower monthly premiums usually mean higher co-pays and deductibles.

Since DPC isn’t health insurance, members pay a flat monthly fee for access to a primary care physician. With Healthcare2U’s membership, doctor visits are only $10 per visit, and urgent care is $25. Members can also access Virtual DPC around the clock for $0 out-of-pocket. These visit fees are considerably less than what individuals would pay if they saw a primary care doctor through an insurance provider or on their own.

What You Get for Your Money

MyDPCplus is a robust healthcare membership that provides convenient and affordable access to primary medical care, wellness, and chronic disease management for 13 disease states within manageable ranges. Here are some of the benefits offered with the membership.

  • Unlimited Direct Primary Care
    • Unlimited doctor visits with a $10 visit fee
    • Unlimited urgent care visits with a $25 visit fee
    • Annual physical ‑ with four labs: complete metabolic panel (CMP), complete blood count (CBC), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and lipid panel.
    • Patient navigation center staff­ed by bilingual medical assistants to schedule care for members and eligible participants
    • Discounted pharmaceuticals, X-rays, imaging, labs, dental and vision
  • Unlimited Chronic Disease Management
    • Unlimited treatment and management of 13 chronic disease states for the same $10 visit fee. Healthcare2U accepts pre-existing conditions within manageable ranges.
  • Unlimited Virtual DPC ­
    • Unlimited access to bilingual licensed medical providers online or by phone, 24/7/365 for minor illnesses and injuries at $0 out of pocket cost to members

How Healthcare Is Supposed to Work

It’s never been more critical to establish an on-going relationship with a primary care doctor. Primary care physicians help families maintain health through preventive care and early intervention. People who regularly see a primary care physician manage their chronic diseases better, spend less time in the hospital, and miss work less due to illness.

For those still fortunate enough to have insurance through an employer, DPC is always a great addition, especially if they can’t afford coverage for dependents. Members can utilize DPC for themselves or their families to avoid escalating co-pays and high deductibles. In the event of a catastrophic emergency, they can still use a high deductible health plan (HDHP) if necessary.

No Surprises with DPC

From discounts on prescriptions, X rays and labs, dental, vision, and more, to a knowledgeable patient navigation team, members know exactly what they’re purchasing up front. For a low monthly membership fee, families can have added peace of mind in times of uncertainty.

If you’re a broker who wants to help clients who have recently laid-off employees, resulting in lost jobs and healthcare benefits, here’s an answer for day-to-day care.

3 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Immune System

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many wondering why illnesses seem to hit some harder than others. People with pre-existing conditions and people who smoke indeed tend to suffer more, especially when it comes to respiratory infections. Still, they’re not the only ones prone to viral infections. Fortunately, there are specific things you can do to boost your immune system and make you less susceptible to illness year-round. These include getting adequate sleep, eating healthy, and meditating on the positive.

Sleep Deprivation Can Make You Sick

Your body needs sleep to fight off infectious diseases. Research shows that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus. Sleep deprivation can also affect how fast you recover if you do get ill.

Your immune system releases proteins call cytokines while you sleep. In addition to promoting sleep, specific cytokines also need to increase when you have an infection, inflammation, or you’re experiencing stress. The less sleep you get, the less of these protective proteins you produce. Infection-fighting antibodies and cells are also reduced during periods of inadequate sleep.

Prolonged lack of sleep also increases your risks for obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. To give their immune system a boost, adults need a good seven to eight hours of sleep each night, while teenagers require nine to 10 hours.

You Are What You Eat

Scientists say people who live in poverty and are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Your body needs a steady supply of many different macronutrients and micronutrients to maintain your immune system. Failing to get those micronutrients—vitamins and minerals—all but guarantees disease.

The five micronutrients that play roles in maintaining the immune system are vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. According to Harvard Medical School, these nutrients are best sourced from a healthy, well-balanced diet. Here are some of the foods that can help support your immune system.

  • Magnesium – whole wheat, legumes, nuts, seeds
  • Zinc – oysters, beef shank, Alaskan king crab, turkey (dark meat)
  • Vitamin B6 – chicken, cereals, bananas, pork loin, potatoes with skin
  • Vitamin C – tomatoes, citrus fruit, sweet peppers, broccoli, kiwi fruit
  • Vitamin E – sunflower seeds and oil, almonds, safflower oil, peanut butter

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean sources of protein, and healthy fats from nuts and olive oil can help you stay balanced.

Meditation Changes the Body

study in the journal Translational Psychiatry found meditation had positive effects on the immune system. Not only did it promote relaxation, but it also shifted gene expression and even boosted mood over time.

The study took blood samples from 94 participants to analyze what genes were expressed before the experiment, directly after it, one month, and ten months later. The participants were divided into three groups, including one group of experienced meditators. All the groups showed shifts in the expression of genes related to stress, inflammation, and wound healing. The experienced meditators had specific shifts in genes associated with fighting viral infections.

Dr. Rudolph Tanzi of Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, says, “Meditation is one of the ways to engage in restorative activities that may provide relief for our immune systems, easing the day-to-day stress of a body constantly trying to protect itself. The prediction is that this would then lead to healthier aging.”

Another study also evaluated the positive effects of mindfulness meditation on the immune system. From the research, the authors found that mindfulness meditation:

  • Reduced markers of inflammation, which are often correlated with decreased immune functioning and disease
  • Increased number of CD-4 cells—the immune system’s helper cells involved in sending signals to other cells telling them to destroy infections
  • Increased telomerase activity: telomerase helps promote the stability of chromosomes and prevent their deterioration, which can lead to chronic diseases and premature aging

With everything going on, it can be challenging to carve out time to meditate. But even 15 minutes a day can help keep you on the path of wellness.

COVID-19: Tips to Stay Safe and Healthy

As we continue to navigate through this uncertain time, moving on from COVID-19 is top of mind for all. The health and safety of our families, coworkers, and staff continue to be the top priority. Not only has this illness affected the health of many, but it also has far-reaching economic implications. Restaurants, retail operations, and others in the service industry have been hit particularly hard, and our hearts go out to all the families affected. As a business, how do you continue to provide the best service possible, while making sure your staff and clients are safe? During this pandemic and beyond, it’s important to offer consistent leadership, practice everyday prevention, and utilize services like telehealth to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. Here we’ll outline tips to stay safe and healthy, including best practices for prevention, what steps to take if you begin to feel sick, and where to find up-to-date information for COVID-19.

Tip 1: Continue to Provide Leadership

If you don’t take care of your employees, you can’t serve your customers. People are looking for reassurance because this situation has caused global anxiety and stress. Consistent leadership can help ease fears and keep your business on track. As an employer, there are things you can do to mitigate risks and panic.

  • Implement a work-from-home policy when possible.
  • Keep staff updated on company status, so they feel connected.
  • Offer online wellness programs to help employees handle stress.
  • Eliminate all non-essential business travel.
  • Communicate with your customers and keep them informed.

Honest communication is vital during this time. Keeping staff and clients informed goes a long way to assuage fears and inspire confidence that we will all get through this together.

Tip 2: Practice Everyday Prevention

COVID-19 can spread person-to-person and through contaminated surfaces. Throughout the day, you can accumulate this virus and can infect yourself by touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Although there is currently no vaccine available, the CDC and WHO have released precautions to avoid contracting the virus:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces you often touch and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Stay home from work, school, and public areas if you’re sick. Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding, and other household items if you’re sick.

Tip 3: Seek Virtual Care When Possible

Covid-19 often results in particularly severe symptoms for seniors and those with preexisting health conditions like heart or lung disease. With all the media coverage for the coronavirus, it’s easy to panic if you start experiencing symptoms. The tendency for some is to go to the E.R. immediately. If you don’t have COVID-19, this can do more harm than good. You could expose yourself to the virus you were trying to avoid. Masses of sick people congregating in emergency rooms and doctors’ offices could help perpetuate the disease and overwhelm medical providers.

In an unprecedented move, Medicare has expanded to include telehealth services for seniors. The government felt it was essential to prevent healthy and sick Americans alike from visiting doctor’s offices in person and risk spreading or catching the novel coronavirus.

Emergency Rooms and healthcare professionals are already overwhelmed. If you have access to telehealth, use virtual care before rushing to the doctor’s office and exposing yourself and essential healthcare personnel to the virus.

Symptoms and Next Steps if you are Sick

If you begin to feel the symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, fatigue, dry cough, and shortness of breath), there are IMPORTANT steps to follow to assist medical professionals in getting you healthy and keeping the virus away from others. Follow the CDC’s crucial steps if you’re feeling ill:

  • Call ahead before visiting your doctor
    • Healthcare2U DPC members: For our members, please call Healthcare2U’s patient navigation center at 1 (800) 496-2805 if you begin feeling any symptoms. The first course of action is a virtual visit with a licensed medical professional to diagnose your conditions before going to a physician’s office or urgent care facility. This vital step will protect our crucial healthcare providers and not make them susceptible to the virus.
    • 9-1-1 if you have a medical emergency: According to the CDC, if you have a medical emergency and need to call 911, notify the dispatch personnel that you have, or are being evaluated for COVID-19. If possible, put on a facemask before emergency medical services arrive.
  • Wear a facemask if you are sick
  • Cover your cough and sneezes
  • Clean your hands often
  • Avoid sharing personal household items
  • Clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day
  • Monitor your symptoms

For more information on symptoms and available options for testing, please view the CDC’s website found here, or contact your local county health department.



**Content updated on June 8, 2021

How Employee Burnout Increases Healthcare Costs

Employee burnout is the new crisis of the global workplace. According to O.C. Tanner’s Global Culture Report, 79 percent of employees are suffering from mild, moderate, or severe burnout, with 40 percent falling in the moderate to severe category. H.R. professionals can’t help but notice this disturbing trend as 95 percent say burnout makes it difficult for them to retain employees. Not only is the epidemic contributing to high turnover rates for employers, but it’s also wreaking havoc on peoples’ health and healthcare spending.

Poor management, lack of appreciation, negative workplace culture, and job stress can all play a role in staff burnout. The report attributes 120,000 deaths per year and $190 billion in healthcare spending to burnout. Physical and mental exhaustion, dread, stress, and anxiety all contribute to the development of chronic diseases, absenteeism, and an increase in trips to the emergency room.

Increased Risk for Disease

Stress can take a toll on your mental well-being as well as your physical health. Additional research cited in the report found that burnout causes an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, high cholesterol, and even death for employees under the age of 45.

Stress hormones in your body can affect glucose levels when activating your fight-or-flight response. To give you the strength to fight in any given situation, glucose levels in your bloodstream rise. If you can’t convert the glucose into energy, it builds up in the bloodstream.

Chronic stress has also been linked to a wide range of harmful effects on the heart. It’s been suggested that stress triggers inflammation, a known instigator of heart disease. It’s also human nature to reach for unhealthy comfort foods like pizza and desserts when stressed. High-fat, high-cholesterol foods contribute to the artery damage that causes heart attacks and strokes. Other harmful coping mechanisms like smoking or drinking too much can also damage your heart.

Absenteeism Costs 

Chronic diseases, stress, fatigue, and depression all affect employers’ revenue. The CDC Foundation says productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost employers $225.8 billion annually in the U.S.—about $1685 per employee.

To remain competitive and productive, employers must encourage safer, healthier workplaces. It’s in their best interest to help employees prevent illnesses and to promote their health and well-being by fostering a positive work culture.

A Culture of Wellness is Essential

Like it or not, every employer is in the healthcare business. Why? Because the way employers operate affects the physical and mental health of their employees. Facilitating wellness, longevity, and a happier workforce requires exceptional planning and a top-down approach. There are some behaviors management can encourage to help set the right tone.

  • Unplug after-hours – Leave tech in the office if necessary, and limit emails after hours.
  • Take vacation days – Don’t work while on vacation.
  • Show appreciation – There are times when working long hours to complete a project is inevitable. When this happens, make sure employees know their effort is seen and appreciated.
  • Be strategic – Get a clear picture of the time and human resources necessary to complete a project before you start, so employees don’t feel like they’re always treading water, and long hours don’t become the norm.

It’s essential to remember positivity goes a long way. Laughter lowers levels of stress hormones, reduce inflammation in the arteries, and increase “good” HDL cholesterol. Empower your team to make changes as needed and encourage open dialogue and collaboration between management and coworkers. Eliminating risk factors for burnout helps employees and employers save on healthcare costs in the long run.

Coronavirus: Stay Calm and Aware, But Don’t Panic

Whenever a new illness appears seemingly out of nowhere, and the media begins reporting an outbreak and deaths, it’s cause for alarm. With the coronavirus (COVID-19), the public has been understandably anxious. In a state of uncertainty, you may  feel vulnerable and unsure of “what’s next.” It is essential to understand what the virus is, how to prevent it, and the threat it presents. To calm your pandemic panic, let’s try to keep this outbreak in the proper perspective.

As of June 7, 2021, more than 3.7 million people have died worldwide from the virus. Although vaccines have been rolled out in the U.S. and other nations, the coronavirus still continues to circulate at high rates in some places around the world. We’ve learned that serious illness only occurs in some cases, and people with underlying conditions are at higher risk. So it’s important to remain vigilant.

The latest version of the coronavirus originated from animals and, currently, not enough is known about how it affects humans to create a vaccine. What we do know is COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that presently seems to be spreading much like the seasonal flu, from person-to-person through coughing, sneezing, or talking. The World Health Organization (WHO) outlined one transmission difference between the seasonal flu and COVID-19. With the flu, people who are infected but not showing symptoms can spread the virus, masking the transmission. But, with COVID-19, data collected as of March 5 suggests transmission is only through people who are actively sick and showing symptoms. Because of this trait and others, WHO believes containment is possible through a comprehensive approach, including accurate tracking of new cases and community-based interventions. As an individual, there are prevention measures you can follow as well. With all this information in mind, here’s what you need to know about COVID-19 and how to prevent it.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can infect animals and humans. The infections are prevalent among camels, cats, and bats; the virus causes diarrhea in pigs and cows and upper respiratory infections in chickens. These coronavirus strains can evolve and infect people. In humans, it’s responsible for mild respiratory infections like the common cold but can also lead to more severe illnesses like pneumonia or bronchitis.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) are different versions of coronaviruses, and COVID-19 is a new strain that until now, wasn’t previously identified in humans.


Chances are, you’ve been infected with a human strain of coronavirus at some point in your life, as most people have. The sickness usually lasts for a short amount of time, and symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

Symptoms of coronavirus disease typically appear within two to 14 days after exposure to the virus. The elderly, babies, and people with compromised immune systems are impacted the most. Others with existing medical problems like lung conditions, heart disease, or high blood pressure are also more likely to become seriously ill. It’s not surprising that smokers also run a higher risk of developing more severe conditions when exposed to the virus.

Help Prevent the Spread

If you think you may be affected by the coronavirus, the CDC recommends the following precautions to keep the disease from spreading.

  1. Stay home except to get medical care.
  2. Isolate yourself from other people and animals in your home.
  3. Call ahead before visiting your doctor.
  4. Wear a facemask.
  5. Cover your coughs and sneezes.
  6. Wash your hands often.
  7. Avoid sharing personal household items.
  8. Clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day.
  9. Monitor your symptoms.

The Concern Over Healthcare Costs

With the anxiety of the coronavirus outbreak, we can’t help but remind ourselves that the expense of tests and necessary medical care may discourage many people–even those with insurance–from seeking treatment for their symptoms. But for some, seeing a primary care physician could mean the difference between health and the onset of a serious illness. In times like these, options like direct primary care (DPC) and telehealth shine by providing convenient and affordable access to healthcare. This access is particularly vital for the restaurant, retail, service industry, and gig workers who can’t afford to miss work, don’t have health insurance, and are in public-interfacing jobs where they encounter many people every day.

Many DPC providers offer direct access to a physician via telehealth, which can be instrumental in helping families stay safe from any onset of illness, including infectious diseases. If you think you are exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus or a common cold, a primary care physician or telehealth provider can evaluate your condition quickly – getting you on the road to wellness. By utilizing virtual care, people can minimize costs and exposure risks while receiving appropriate care from a licensed medical professional. Remember: while you should stay calm, also stay prepared. Check to see if your current health plan offers next-day primary care appointments or telehealth. When it comes to the health of your family, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Helpful resources:

Track WHO’s rolling updates here:

Follow the CDC for Information:

Track the CDC’s updates here:

**Content updated on June 8, 2021

The Link Between Technology and Depression

Is there a correlation between using technology and depression? Some say yes. Researchers found a sudden increase in anxiety, depression, and suicide rates among teens around the time smartphones became popular. An AMA study in 2012 also showed that constant exposure to artificial light—even low-level light from computers and TV screens—can throw off our circadian rhythms, causing depression and mood disorders.

There’s been a lot of debate about whether depression is the cause or the result of technology overuse. Do depressed people overuse technology in an attempt to make themselves feel better? Or does excessive use of technology lead to depression? While there’s a probability of both happening, research suggests spending too much time with your devices can negatively impact your social connections, sleep patterns, and mental health.

The Social Connection

As of 2019, about 70 percent of adults in the U.S. used social media. Given that it was only about 5 percent in 2005, it’s an understatement that social media has had a significant impact on our culture and our lives. A study by Jean Twenge, Ph.D., professor of psychology at San Diego State University, and colleagues found that adolescents who spent the most time on social media and the least time in face-to-face social interactions reported the most loneliness.

Add unrealistic standards for beauty, success, and fame to that limited human interaction, and you have a recipe for low self-esteem, depression, and a host of other problems. People often have a fear of missing out or compare their looks, lives, and achievements to what they see online, which can be very damaging. Spending excessive amounts of time online can also cause people to miss out on meaningful social connections in real life that could provide a greater sense of well-being.

Sleep is a Necessary Habit

Insomnia and other sleep problems also increase the risk of developing depression. Unfortunately, devices such as computers, cell phones, tablets, and televisions can wreak havoc on your sleep pattern. They emit blue light that restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your circadian rhythm—also known as your sleep/wake cycle. Lowered melatonin levels make it difficult for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Sleep deprivation affects levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones, among other things, thus creating a negative impact on the brain. Not only does lack of sleep impair thinking, but it also impedes emotional regulation. In this way, insomnia can amplify the effects of mental disorders and vice versa.

According to Harvard Medical School, studies estimate that 65 to 90 percent of adult patients with major depression, and about 90 percent of children with this disorder experience some sleep problems. Another study by Baylor University in 2015 also seems to support this. They surmised heavy smartphone users tend to be “more prone to moodiness, materialism, and temperamental behavior.”

There are usually many factors that contribute to mental health issues, but getting a good night’s sleep can help the body and brain function better. If you’re using technology at night, give yourself a 30-minute window without gadgets before bedtime.

While technology gives us the ability to sift through enormous amounts of information in the blink of an eye and provides unparalleled convenience, it must be kept in the proper context. Frequent distractions and constant stimulation can have negative impacts on real-life social connections, sleep habits, and mental health.

Finding Solutions for Surprise Medical Billing

According to KFF, 20 percent of insured adults had a surprise medical bill in the past two years, and 66 percent of adults are worried about being unable to pay unexpected medical bills. Some have accused insurance companies, hospitals, and doctors of putting profit over patients.

For some patients, getting an unexpected bill for a treatment they thought was covered by insurance can be financially devastating. In fact, a Federal Reserve report found that nearly 40 percent of adults in the U.S. in 2018 would have trouble paying an unexpected $400 bill. Surprise bills are sometimes triggered when patients unknowingly see a doctor out of their network. Often, it’s from an out-of-network anesthesiologist or surgical assistant chosen by a surgeon without the patient’s knowledge.

Doctors blame the insurance companies, and the insurance companies point fingers at doctors. Many feel Congress should intervene and hold insurance companies accountable. Lawmakers are struggling for approaches to curtail the practice that can leave patients on the hook for huge medical bills.

Doctors want to be paid a fair amount for the services they provide, but patients are crying out to lawmakers for protection from unfair practices. There are a few proposed solutions to mitigate surprise medical bills. They include requiring increased transparency from insurance companies on what’s covered, an independent resolution process to solve billing disputes between doctors and insurance companies, and patients advocating for themselves.

Increased Transparency from Insurance Companies and Hospitals

Insurance companies claim they have no problem with price transparency. They say hospitals are the ones keeping patients in the dark. Although a price transparency rule took effect in 2019, many hospitals are meeting the requirements by posting generic “list” prices, which aren’t based on what the patient may be responsible for. For price transparency to be meaningful, the information provided must be individualized so that it closely represents the actual costs.

An Independent Resolution Process

One proposed solution to solving billing disputes involves setting up an arbitration process that’s independent of doctors and insurance companies. A third party comprised of healthcare experts would help the two entities negotiate payments. Doctors feel this option would help prevent them from being steamrolled by insurance giants.

Another option would be to have insurance companies pay doctors based on a benchmark—the median in-network rate for the service. While insurance companies seem to like this idea, doctors feel they’d get the short end of the stick by relinquishing too much pricing control to insurers.

Advocate for Yourself

Although some states have put measures in place, we don’t know to what degree Congress will decide to intervene. The best thing to do to avoid surprise medical bills is to be proactive. Here are a few things you can do to prevent being shocked after the fact.

  • Check whether the hospital or doctor you’re using is in your insurer’s network before you get any treatment.
  • Ask detailed questions about whether any out-of-network doctors will play a role in your treatment.
  • If you must make a trip to the ER, be sure to go to a hospital in your network and ask if the attending physician is in your network as well.

If an unexpected bill has already hit you, it’s okay to seek help.

  • Contact your state’s insurance commissioner’s office to find out if your state has laws in place to safeguard against surprise medical bills.
  • Check with the National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF). They’re a nonprofit organization that helps patients file an appeal with their insurance provider.

With unbelievable charges for over the counter medications, supplies or simple treatments ($60 for a single ibuprofen, $5,751 for an ice pack, or $629 for a Band-Aid) continuously making headlines, it’s clear something needs to be done in the immediate future. People deserve to know what they’re paying for care upfront, and hopefully, policies will soon be put in place to mitigate surprise medical billing nationwide.

3 Ways Love Can Improve Your Health

Being in love evokes many emotions. Associated emotions include happiness and excitement, but is “falling in love” good for your health? Research suggests, yes! It turns out expressing and receiving love in a healthy, long-term relationship can do wonders for your well-being. Experts say being in love can lower stress hormones, strengthen your immune system, lower blood pressure, and improve mental health. Let’s explore three ways that love improves your health:

Combat Stress

Not only does having emotional support and someone to talk to or tackle life’s problems with give you a greater sense of well-being, but studies also show people in healthy relationships have significantly lower stress levels. Love can keep the fight-or-flight response from running amok and ruining your health.

Stress elevates cortisol levels, and when left unchecked, this stress hormone can cause headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, weight gain, and even memory impairment. Oxytocin is the “love” hormone that lowers cortisol levels.

This powerful chemical is released by holding hands, hugging, kissing, or even just looking at someone you love. Another “feel-good” hormone called dopamine is also associated with love. It causes feelings of optimism as well as greater focus and energy.

Strengthen Your Immune System

Who knew a hug a day could potentially keep the doctor away? In a recent study of more than 400 adults, researchers found that the more often people hugged, the more their odds of getting sick declined. Hugging could indicate a level of overall social support in a person’s life, which also promotes good health. In the same study, the adults who reported a secure social support system had fewer cold symptoms than those who lacked a support system.

Researchers say people in loving relationships tend to have less inflammation and are likely to have a stronger overall immune system because feelings of love can help nurture and support the life-enhancing microbiome in your gut and help ward off harmful bacteria that can make you sick. With 80 percent of your immune system residing in your gut, this is a considerable boost.

Lower Your Blood Pressure

Love is associated with, both figuratively and literally, one of your most important organs—the heart. Not only does having a partner help encourage you to give up bad habits like smoking or eating unhealthily, but it could also have positive effects on your blood pressure.

Hypertension can be extremely hazardous to your health. It could lead to severe conditions like heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, or even cognitive decline in later years. According to experts, being in an affectionate relationship with a supportive partner can help you react better to stressful life events, lower your blood pressure, and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Being part of a loving partnership can reduce feelings of isolation that could lead to depression or anxiety and increase your sense of belonging and happiness. And with the powerful effects of love hormones, supportive communication, and physical affection, you can improve your health and quality of life. The Beatles said, “All you need is love.” Perhaps they were onto something.