Healthcare2U Launches Redesigned Website to Better Support Brokers, Employers and Members

June 26, 2020


2 minutes

Healthcare2U is excited to launch a redesigned website for benefits brokers, employers, and members who want to learn more about our barrier-breaking and cost-effective DPC solutions. In addition to a fresh new look, the site offers practical information, educational, and marketing materials along with a rich library of blog content and newsletters.

As an innovator in healthcare, we understand the importance of making information regarding our services and trends easily accessible for our current and prospective partners. We endeavor to provide our brokers and members with the most accurate, up-to-date information, and share our knowledge and expertise in direct primary care (DPC).

We Set Our Brokers Up for Success

Our redesigned website updated our broker portal! Brokers interested in effectively selling Healthcare2U’s DPC will find that product marketing materials and educational materials are organized more effectively. We have also separated the DPCplus collateral by product, so there is less confusion on product build and implementation.


The redesigned site is much easier to navigate and find the specific product information you need. It is a place for sharing expertise and getting personalized support from Healthcare2U because when you succeed, we succeed. Not only does the Partner Portal allow for adds and terms to be managed, but brokers can now submit requests to create customized plan designs with our Account Management team. You will get access to our product marketing expertise to get results faster and more consistently.

Our Partner Portal contains everything you will need to be successful with Healthcare2U products. And as always, if you have a special request, you can always email Broker Support with just a click.

Employers and Members Can See How DPC Pertains to Them

In addition to tools provided for brokers, employers seeking more information about DPC can now read more on how Healthcare2U reduces expenses for everyone. Our redesigned website is packed with information on cost-containment strategies and detailed information on each component of DPC:

  • Patient Navigation
  • Unlimited In-Office Doctor Access
  • Unlimited Urgent Care
  • Preventative Care
  • Unlimited Chronic Care
  • Unlimited Virtual DPC

Members seeking care for themselves or their families can easily find testimonials, membership benefits, and contact information. Connecting with our patient advocates has never been easier. Whether members want to schedule an appointment with a clinic in their area or want answers to frequently asked questions, they can quickly find everything they need on the new site.

Stay Connected and Well Informed

Among the new features, the site contains integrated social media buttons for Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to foster better communication with partners and a stronger sense of community. We are always updating our content with helpful information, thought leadership, company announcements, and client successes in the Blog, Press Releases, and Broker Material sections. You can also sign up for The Primary – Healthcare2U’s monthly newsletter.


Feel free to check out the new And if you have any questions about the benefits of direct primary care, email


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