Give Employers an Affordable Complement to HDHPs

The American healthcare system has become a giant institution characterized by skyrocketing costs and ineffective care. Insurance companies pressure doctors to keep patient visits brief and make the connection between doctors and patients more transactional than relational. When health issues arise, people often choose whichever option is least expensive and convenient instead of using the […]
DPC: A No-Claims Approach to Essential Primary Care

Most don’t understand the complexities of their health and wellness. Often people ignore warning signs in their bodies until something drastic happens, at which point they rush to the emergency room or urgent care. The problem with treating the E.R. like primary care is skyrocketing costs for the patient and their employer if they have […]
What Employees Really Want in a Job

CHG Healthcare surveyed more than 800 American workers to learn what employees desired most in a job. It’s not surprising that salary topped the list, but here are the top five things employees said were most consequential in a position. Salary The American Psychological Association (APA) published the results of their Stress in America poll, […]
Solutions to Alleviate Financial Worries in Healthcare

Americans with employer health benefits appreciate having access to healthcare through an employer plan. But many report financial challenges related to their healthcare costs, particularly among those facing high deductibles or suffering from chronic conditions. In 2019, 40 percent of people relying on employer coverage faced difficulty paying medical bills or struggled to afford their […]
DPC Addresses Cumulative Effects of Inflation and Escalating Health Insurance Costs

In the latter part of 2021, Sara R. Collins, Ph.D., vice president, health care coverage and access, for the Commonwealth Fund testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance regarding the escalating costs of health insurance in America. Collins concluded, “The cost burden in commercial insurance is an enduring problem in U.S. health care that […]
Addressing Healthcare Deserts with Affordable Solutions

A 2021 report by GoodRx found over 80 percent of counties in the U.S. lack some form of healthcare infrastructure. These counties where people have limited access to healthcare services have been labeled “healthcare deserts.” Roughly 121 million people, or 37 percent of the population, currently live in a healthcare-desert county, according to the report. […]
A New Approach to Customized Benefits

By the end of 2021, 95 percent of American workers considered changing jobs. Of these, 92 percent were so ready for advancement they were willing to change industries to find a position better aligned with their goals. Dubbed the “Great Resignation,” this trend thrust employers into a fierce competition to keep talent from migrating to […]
Employee Well-Being is the New Normal

With the globally shared trauma of a multiyear pandemic, employees have felt disconnected, overwhelmed, and anxious. If you add on personal life responsibilities, the loss of loved ones, and other unique challenges, the cumulative stress can take a toll on anyone. A recent survey by the National Institute for Health Care Management revealed 51 percent of people […]
The U.S. Ranks Last in Healthcare Equity and Affordability Among High-Income Nations

A recent Commonwealth Fund study ranked 11 high-income countries in providing affordable, equitably accessible, high-quality healthcare. While Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia topped the list overall, the U.S. health system came in the last place. According to the study, Americans in every income bracket struggle to afford the healthcare they need, compared to people in other high-income […]
Diabetes Awareness Can Save Lives [Affordable Access to Healthcare Can Help Detect, Treat and Manage Chronic Diseases Such as Diabetes]

According to the American Diabetes Association, as of 2018, almost 11 percent of Americans had diabetes. Over 1.5 million people are diagnosed with diabetes each year, and countless remain undiagnosed. With a chronic disease so prevalent, it’s essential to understand the causes and how awareness and quality healthcare can play a role in slowing its progression. Type […]