Why Annual Physicals Are a Vital Preventative Care Element

Preventative care

With the new year already underway, are you thinking about your health? A Statista survey revealed that people are more likely to be health conscious around this time of the year, with “living healthier” being the number one resolution from 2022. If you plan to prioritize your health in 2023, consider involving your primary care physician. Getting […]

Investing in Employee Benefits Education is Beneficial to Both Employees and Employers

Employee Benefits Education

Benefits education and direct primary care not only lower costs for self-funded groups but can result in a healthier workforce, more thoughtful benefits utilization, and improved retention. When employers actively encourage their employees to prioritize their health, they also foster a culture based on healthy living. This encouragement can result in better health outcomes for […]

Health Benefits Education and Direct Primary Care Can Lower Costs for Self-Funded Groups

Self-Funded Plan

Self-funded plans are a great way to offer customizable benefits that employees want and need while lowering healthcare costs. Most brokers agree that self-funding is in the best interest of their larger clients’ long-term strategies. However, 52 percent said their fully insured clients remain fully insured because of the perception there is too much risk in self-funding. […]

How Benefit Design Can Help Employers Remain Competitive


Job seekers now have more bargaining power than ever, and employers are taking a benefits-focused approach to hiring and retention. Over the past couple of years, the workforce has undergone multiple changes in employee expectations. A renewed focus on health benefits, well-being, and culture has widened the gap between what employees want and what their […]

Prediabetes: When to Worry About the Precursor to Diabetes


Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with diabetes, you may have prediabetes. Have you ever heard of prediabetes? Few have, but it is an issue that — if left untreated — can evolve into a diabetes diagnosis. There are two types of diagnoses: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes often results from an […]

An Affordable Healthcare Alternative for Non-Benefited Employees

Employers are the principal source of health insurance in the United States1, however, most Americans are unable to afford basic health care expenses. Under the traditional fee-for-service model, individuals must meet deductibles or pay expensive copays to see a primary care physician. In addition to employees who can’t afford their health plans’ deductible and copays, […]

Direct Primary Care is a Win for Brokers, Employers, and Employees

Research shows that fragmented healthcare is twice as expensive as an integrated care approach. This is mostly the result of unnecessary testing and excessive use of medication. With traditional benefits options like insurance, employees and employers bear the weight of these escalating costs. Direct Primary Care (DPC) provides businesses with a solution that seamlessly integrates […]

A New Healthcare Offering for Uninsured Children

Health Plan

School-aged children (ages 6-18) make up almost 75 percent of the uninsured children in the U.S.  Lack of proper healthcare can contribute to serious health conditions later in life, and many feel more should be done to address the crisis of healthcare inequality for children. The number of children with health coverage in the U.S. […]

Hope for Escalating Healthcare Costs

With the U.S. healthcare expenditure expected to reach $6.2 trillion by 2028, government leaders, healthcare leaders, business leaders, and American citizens share concerns about being able to provide quality healthcare to the population while being fiscally responsible. Unfortunately, employers and employees will be the ones carrying those costs. Employers want to build comprehensive health plans […]