Celebrating Women’s Contributions to Healthcare

In 2015, The Lancet published a report that found women contributed around $3 trillion to global healthcare, but nearly half of it (2.35% of global GDP) was unpaid and unrecognized. The report, which highlights women as both providers and as recipients of healthcare, outlines that women’s changing needs in both respects are not being met globally. The […]
Healthcare for the Service Sector

Although the service sector keeps our economy going and makes our lives easier, service workers are often the lowest earners in our economy. For example in the United States, the average teacher’s salary is mid-thirty thousand to $40,000; the average automotive mechanic’s salary is $39,857; and according to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average farmworker earns […]
Prepare for a New Normal

The world-at-large, business, healthcare, and everyday life will not look the same way it did pre-COVID. Some predict we will only begin to recover from the pandemic’s economic fallout by the end of next year. To contain fear during this crisis, timely and honest communication from credible sources is vital. Still, governments and media have […]
Tips for a Happy and Healthy Summer

Typically, summer is the time when families come together for reunions, travel to exotic locales, and adventurers take on the great outdoors. While states wrestle with reopening and trying to protect the health of the population, it’s anybody’s guess what this summer will look like. Even though this is one of the most unusual summers […]
A Solution for Disparities in Healthcare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) sought to provide more insurance coverage for groups with a higher risk of being uninsured. Although the ACA led to more covered people, there are still disparities in healthcare with a large segment of the population who lack access to healthcare and experience worse health outcomes. The Numbers Don’t Lie […]
3 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing Healthcare

As the world adjusts to an inefficient and overpriced healthcare system coupled with an unstable economy, the healthcare industry is shifting from fee-for-service and reactive care. Providers seek to stay ahead of chronic diseases, prevent costly acute events, and mitigate the deterioration of patients’ health in the most effective ways. Unfortunately, shortages of qualified personnel, […]
Prevention is the Best Strategy for Chronic Disease

According to the CDC, 60 percent of Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease like heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes. These and other chronic conditions lead causes of death and disability in America, and they are also a leading driver of health care costs—to the tune of $3.5 trillion per year. […]
Healthcare2U Launches Redesigned Website to Better Support Brokers, Employers and Members

Healthcare2U is excited to launch a redesigned website for benefits brokers, employers, and members who want to learn more about our barrier-breaking and cost-effective DPC solutions. In addition to a fresh new look, the site offers practical information, educational, and marketing materials along with a rich library of blog content and newsletters. As an innovator […]
Doctors Love Direct Primary Care

The rising prevalence of burnout among physicians has raised questions on how it affects healthcare access, the quality of care, and patient safety. Doctors experiencing burnout or depression are more likely to leave a practice, which interrupts patients’ access to and continuity of care. In addition to taking a toll on the mental health of […]
Is There Such a Thing as Balance?

Many people struggle to make their careers fit with the needs of their families. Work, children, and significant others combine to form a juggling act of sorts. Add to that personal development, self-care, health and fitness — many end up feeling like they fall woefully short. Fitness, work, and family don’t have to be mutually […]