Colon Cancer is on the Rise in Young People – What to Know and When You Should Get Tested

We’ve all heard the recommendation from doctors to test early on for breast or skin cancer. Still, another cancer is becoming more prevalent each year—colon cancer (also known as colorectal cancer). This type of cancer is becoming more commonplace across the board and specifically rising in younger people under 50.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the rate at which the younger population is getting diagnosed, when you should get tested, and what tests are the best option for you.


Colon cancer is rising for people under 50

For some time, colon cancer rates dropped, but from 2012 through 2016, it increased yearly by two percent in people younger than 50 and one percent in people 50 to 64. For people younger than 50, from 2020 to 2023, there was a nine percent increase in diagnosed cases. Colon cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer for men and women combined in the US. Along with the rising number of diagnosed cases, it’s also become more aggressive for people under 50.

So, why are colon cancer diagnoses among younger people on the rise? No one can pinpoint this, but the most significant risk factors for developing this illness are living a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, heavy drinking and smoking, high-fat diets, and other environmental factors. Since we can’t pinpoint precisely why this type of cancer is rising, testing for it as early as possible is critical. If you can test early enough, you can prevent the disease from getting worse and possibly, even prevent death.

When should you test for colon cancer?

As mentioned before, early testing and detection can be the key to prevention. There are a few risk factors to consider when testing for colon cancer. You should test if you have one or more of the risk factors below.

  • 45 to 75 Years of age. The ages recommended to get tested for colon cancer are 45 to 75, but this can depend on if you already have one of the diseases listed below.
  • Gastrointestinal/other types of diseases. If you have any of the diseases listed here, you should get tested as early as 45, or in specific cases, even sooner.
    • An inflammatory bowel disease such as Chron’s or Ulcerative Colitis.
    • A family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps (masses in your colon that can become cancerous).
    • A genetic syndrome such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) external icon or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome).
What screening test/procedure is right for me?

Several screening tests are currently available on the market, as well as more traditional screening procedures. The test may be as simple as mailing in a specimen from the comfort of your home, so speak to your Primary Care Physician (PCP) about what they recommend. Below are the five types of screening tests.

  1. Fecal occult blood test. This non-invasive test checks stool for blood that can only be seen with a microscope. A sample is placed on a card or container and sent to a doctor or a lab for testing.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. An invasive procedure involving a thin, tube-like instrument called a sigmoidoscope that looks inside the rectum and lower colon for polyps, abnormal areas, or cancer.
  3. Colonoscopy. This is the most common procedure, and similar to sigmoidoscopy. The most significant difference is the colonoscope (small tube) is inserted through the rectum into the colon. Doctors can remove most polyps found while inside using this specific tube.
  4. Virtual colonoscopy. This is a non-invasive procedure using a series of X-rays called “computed tomography” to take pictures of the colon. A computer then puts together those images and checks for any irregularities.
  5. DNA stool test. Similar to a fecal occult blood test, this non-invasive test checks DNA in the stool cells for genetic changes that may develop into colon cancer.

The bottom line is this — don’t forget about colon cancer! With this type of cancer clearly on the rise, especially among the younger population, early detection is the key to managing this illness. Consult your PCP if you have any of the risk factors mentioned in this blog. Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care membership connects you with a PCP who is your care advocate and can educate you on which screening test is best for you. Read more about our membership on our website or contact us to speak to a representative.

Rapid Growth Earns Healthcare2U Respectable Ranking

An 111 Percent Growth Ranks Healthcare2U on Inc. Magazine’s List of the Southwest Region’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

AUSTIN, TX. April 27, 2023 – Inc. Magazine recently revealed that Austin-based Healthcare2U is ranked No. 121 on its fourth annual Inc. Regionals Southwest list, the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing private companies based in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Born of the annual Inc. 5000 franchise, this regional list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the Southwest economy’s most dynamic segment – its independent small businesses.

Founded in 2013, Healthcare2U has become the nation’s fastest-growing hybrid Direct Primary Care (DPC) organization and offers members nationwide access to state board-certified family care physicians and Internists. After experiencing impressive growth of 66 percent member adoption in 2020, the organization’s revenue growth rate has increased substantially, earning them recognition of the magazine’s distinction.

“Healthcare2U’s goal has always been to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to all,” said Andy Bonner, CEO of Healthcare2U. “Our innovative model boasts unlimited access to our physicians across all 50 states and plays a vital role in the early detection and management of chronic diseases.”

The DPC model is attractive to physicians because it removes the barriers associated with traditional health insurance, such as coding, claims, and collections. Without the need to file a claim for a specified amount of time, Healthcare2U physicians can spend a quality visit with their patients, providing them with more one-on-one time to determine the cause of their illness.

Healthcare2U’s DPC membership is attractive to health plan designers such as carriers, Third Party Administrators, actuaries, and health brokers because it provides a defined set of primary care services that do not generate insurance claims against a medical plan. This cost-containment feature results in significant employer and employee savings year-over-year.

Healthcare2U membership is nationwide and available for organizations of all sizes. The unlimited benefits include:

  • Bilingual Patient Advocacy for members
  • Unlimited bilingual Virtual DPC for no cost
  • Unlimited in-office acute visits for primary and urgent care
  • Annual physicals with four labs
  • Unlimited early-stage chronic disease management

Healthcare2U’s bilingual Patient Advocacy Line acts as a concierge guide for members and navigates them through their medical journey, making every appointment and educating members on the services that are provided to them.

Find Healthcare2U on LinkedIn and Twitter: @Healthc2U, and follow Healthcare2U’s blog to keep on top of company developments, news, and informative articles.

About Healthcare2U

Healthcare2U is a membership-based, hybrid direct primary care (DPC) organization that ensures employers of all sizes and structures have nationwide access to affordable, consistent, and quality primary care over 40% below the average cost of traditional DPC practices operating in the market today. Through our proprietary Private Physician Network (PPN)™, Healthcare2U promotes healthy living by detecting, treating, and managing acute and chronic conditions before the onset of serious illness. Healthcare2U is headquartered in Austin, Texas and is available nationwide. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter @Healthc2U and LinkedIn at Healthcare2U.

Why Fad Diets Can Be Dangerous, and How to Spot Them

An estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year. Of those 45 million, 50 percent stated they participated in a “fad diet.” A fad diet is marketed as the best and fastest way to lose weight. Often touted as the next “craze,” they only last a few months, leaving expensive supplements and specialty foods in their wake, never to be used again.

Although some fad diets have components of truth, they’re often marketed as one-size-fits-all, which can be very harmful. Forcing a diet when it’s not suitable for your body can be dangerous. We’ll dive into why fad diets are bad for you, how to spot them, and the best option for starting off a diet correctly.

Why fad diets can be harmful

While there are many positives to eating healthier and losing weight, when the cons of a diet outweigh the pros, it becomes an issue. Fad diets often don’t give your body the proper nourishment to maintain a healthy and happy life. Below are a few reasons why fad diets can be harmful.

  • They can negatively affect your physical/mental health. Fad diets can create digestive issues like bloating, indigestion, and constipation, to name a few, as well as cause issues with your mental health. Cognitive function can decline because most fad diets are low in salt and glucose, which are crucial for normal brain function. They also increase stress levels, which can lead to depression, especially if the diet isn’t giving you the desired outcome.
  • They can be expensive. Many diets claim that you must buy a particular type of supplement or that you need to throw away all your food and start fresh with specialty ingredients. This practice can be costly and wasteful, especially if you drop off your diet before it’s finished.
  • They can end up causing weight gain. Fad diets may make you lose weight quickly for a brief period, but that’s usually just water weight. Once the diet is over, you typically regain that weight fast and in full.
How to spot a fad diet

Fad diets will be easy to spot as they are diets that become popular quickly and fade fast. However, sometimes they aren’t as obvious, and some are easier to spot than others. Here are a few key indicators you’re dealing with a fad diet.

  • It claims you don’t need to exercise.
  • It promises quick weight loss.
  • It requires you to buy dietary supplements, typically labeled as “weight loss aids, fat burners,” etc.
  • It’s very rigid and has you on an extreme eating schedule.
  • It doesn’t have much evidence or many studies to back it up.

Some fad diets you might be familiar with throughout the years are the Keto diet, Whole30, Atkins, and juice cleansing, to name a few. These diets were trendy during their prime and even worked briefly for some people, but ultimately, they were not sustainable.

The best and safest way to start dieting

The best advice for someone wanting to start a diet is to consult a dietician. Dieticians are experts in food and nutrition and will be able to assess your weight, health, and current eating habits and create a diet plan that is best for you. They’ll then track your progress and make sure you’re staying healthy and still getting the essential nutrients your body needs. Utilizing these experts makes it easy to follow a plan while healthily achieving your desired results.

Analyzing the Cost of Chronic Diseases and Their Effect on Employers

Chances are you, or someone you know, has a chronic disease. The CDC finds that six in ten adults have a chronic illness in the US, and four in ten have two or more. Most are preventable by engaging in activities such as eating healthier, exercising, and cutting out habits like smoking and drinking. Unfortunately, a 2022 study found that 93 percent of Americans are unhealthy, so the likelihood of people taking these steps to prevent a possible health condition is unlikely. Not only do these diseases cost the individual time and money, they also cost their employers. We’ll discuss the top chronic diseases, how much money employers spend managing them, and an easy solution for both parties.

The top five chronic diseases in the US

As mentioned, chronic diseases are illnesses you most often gain through an unhealthy lifestyle. Chronic diseases are slower to develop and progress over time, not to be confused with acute diseases, which come on rapidly and require urgent or short-term care. Below are five prevalent chronic diseases in the US.

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer
  3. Diabetes
  4. Hypertension
  5. Arthritis

Another chronic illness that many overlook is mental health. According to a recent Gallup poll, 19 percent of all US workers rate their mental health as fair or poor. Four out of ten workers also said their job has an extremely negative (seven percent) or somewhat negative (33 percent) impact on their mental health. While the conversation about mental health in the workplace is a relatively newer topic, the trend of companies prioritizing employees’ mental health and including health benefits offerings around them is growing.

How much money do employers spend on employees’ chronic diseases?

Employees with chronic conditions like those above can be difficult for companies to manage financially. According to the CDC, 90 percent of the nation’s $4.1 trillion annual healthcare costs are for patients with chronic diseases. Five chronic diseases or risk factors (high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity, and obesity) cost employers in the US $36.4 billion a year due to employee absenteeism.

An Avidon Health report highlighted the cost of unhealthy habits for organizations per employee. Here are some of the key findings pertaining to the above risk factors mentioned:

The study found that the cost impact of the unhealthy habits above equals around $3,600 per employee per year.

As mentioned earlier, mental health also comes into play when discussing employee absenteeism costs for employers. In the US workforce, the workdays missed by employees suffering from one or more mental health issues cost the country $47.6 billion annually.

Seeing a doctor once a year can make a big difference in preventing chronic diseases

A large part of preventing these types of conditions is consulting your doctor. A yearly physical is recommended to check if you are at risk for developing a chronic disease. Conditions such as type 2 diabetes will usually warn you when you’re nearing this diagnosis — as 70 percent of people with prediabetes, a precursor to the illness, are later diagnosed. During your physical, your doctor can test and even diagnose if you have a chronic disease. If you’re nearing a diagnosis, they can set you up with a treatment plan to prevent it.

How Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care membership can lower employer costs associated with chronic diseases?

It’s worth noting that affordable and easy-to-use healthcare options result in a stable and happier work environment for employees. The effects increase productivity and save employers money. One solution that offers this type of healthcare is direct primary care (DPC). DPC is a steadily growing solution in the US that utilizes an integrated benefit model to overcome affordability restrictions of modern-day healthcare and to address long-standing accessibility barriers to managing preventative care, chronic conditions, and new health issues in a timely fashion before emergencies arise.

Healthcare2U’s DPC membership focuses on preventing, detecting, and managing 13 prevalent chronic disease states. This unlimited benefit is included in the membership for just $10 a visit. Having these benefits allows members peace of mind and continuity of care.

Healthcare2U helps employers manage the exorbitant cost of chronic disease by offering affordable, quality care and providing tools to prevent them from developing. Members also receive unlimited access to patient advocates that direct them through their benefits. Benefits include unlimited Virtual Primary Care for no out-of-pocket cost, unlimited in-office acute visits for $10 per visit and $25 urgent care visits, an annual physical with four basic labs and generous pharmaceutical discounts. Contact us to learn more about Healthcare2U and how it can help alleviate the costs of chronic illnesses for employers.

How the Growing Doctor Shortage Will Affect Us

Healthcare2U’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Rodriguez, is featured in a news story with Amanda Hill speaking about how the doctor shortage, which is set to get even worse in the next few years, will affect the US.


News Center Maine: Have you noticed it takes a little longer to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician right now? Or once you’re at that appointment, you feel rushed through it. Dr. John Rodriguez says it’s a problem nationwide, but it’s impacting every community, especially smaller ones.

Dr. Rodriguez: I see a lot of my friends, primary care friends, have called it quits. They’ve either left the scene already, they’re joining the big groups, they’ve left healthcare, or they’re working for insurance companies.

Amanda Hill: But why are primary care physicians leaving? Dr. John Rodriguez is the Chief Medical Officer of a direct primary care office. Essentially, it’s a practice that has either a membership fee or takes direct payment from the patient, cutting out the need for an insurance company. While it’s not an affordable option for everyone, Dr. Rodriguez says it does afford a more intimate relationship with patients and cuts down on overwhelming paperwork, which has become two reasons for doctor burnout.

Dr. Rodriguez: Your visits now are down to seven minutes on average. I mean, that’s fine if it’s a head cold, but if you’re dealing with three or four medical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, that’s impossible to keep up with that in proper form.

Amanda Hill: Is there a concern for you- a misdiagnosis or something that’s missed in the appointment?

Dr. Rodriguez: Absolutely. And I’ve seen it. Sometimes I’m a second opinion doctor, so I’ll see patients from other offices, and as well-intended as they were, their diagnosis was off, and we come up with a different diagnosis. And again, I see it- they were in a hurry, the patient had a few complaints, and they didn’t think they were important, but they were.

Amanda Hill: The Association of American Medical Colleges projects that in 2034, the US will have shortages of between nearly 18,000 and 48,000 primary care physicians. That’s in just the next decade.

Dr. Rodriguez: I would bet that most of your listeners have probably experienced that already.

Amanda Hill: It’s not a new issue. About five years ago, we met Dr. Bill Med, who worked well beyond his retirement years in the town of Norway because he couldn’t find a replacement. Do you worry about what will happen to them when you leave?

Dr. Bill Med: Oh, yeah. That’s probably the main thing that’s continuing my work.

Amanda Hill: But there are changes being made. Dr. Med started working with Maine Health on a program to recruit more doctors to rural parts of the state. The question remains whether those changes are happening quickly enough.

Dr. Rodriguez: It’s going to get worse. And really, the issue is, you need the quarterback. You need someone who knows the healthcare system and how to maneuver through that. And if you don’t have that, it’s chaos.

Amanda Hill: So, some advice: if you’re losing your primary care physician, it’s worth asking the practice or the physician themselves if they’d refer you to someone else. We’ve also shared a link on our website with a list of direct primary care physicians in Maine if that is something you’re interested in.

To view more helpful Healthcare2U videos, check out our YouTube Channel!

Wake Up and Workout – Why Morning Exercise is Better for You

When is the best time to work out? Some people prefer the morning, as the gyms are quieter, and they can start the day off energized; some say the afternoon is best so they can burn off steam from a demanding workday. According to scientists, the morning is the best time to work out. You’ll need to do some of your own research to figure out which option is best for you. Here we’ll learn why morning workouts are (generally) better, their possible downsides, and how to really make the most of them.

Reasons why morning workouts are best

Once you get past the sometimes-daunting thought of waking up early, you realize there are more advantages than disadvantages when working out at this time.

  • Fewer distractions – earlier workouts usually mean fewer people to interact with, so you don’t have to deal with crowds. Focusing on the task is easier, so you don’t get distracted!
  • You put yourself in a good mood for the rest of the day – when you exercise, you release endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals your body releases while experiencing stress or pain, aiding in overall well-being.
  • You give yourself more energy – once you get over the general grogginess that can come from starting to wake up earlier, your adrenaline starts flowing, causing you to become more alert and energized.
  • You better your cardiovascular health – a study concluded that between 8 and 11 AM is the best time to work out to better your cardiovascular health. In this study, working out at 11 AM had the greatest positive effect on a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke compared to activity at different times. Overall, people who exercised at 11 AM were 16 percent less likely to develop cardiovascular disease and 17 percent less likely to have a first stroke of any kind.
  • Cooler weather – if exercising outside, you can beat the heat by working out in the morning. Sometimes the temperature can jump 30 degrees in hotter areas in a matter of hours. Exercising outside in high temperatures can be dangerous, so a morning workout is considered safer.
  • You improve your sleep cycle – research finds that morning workouts shift your circadian rhythm, so your body is naturally more alert in the morning and more tired in the evening.
Downsides to morning workouts

While morning workouts have many upsides, it’s important to note that they also have disadvantages. Weigh these options when considering the best time of day for your workout.

  • It takes more time to get started – when you wake up, you’re low on energy, have a lower core body temperature, and have a slower heart rate. These factors mean you need to take more time to warm up to exercise safely.
  • You might interrupt your sleep cycle – while morning workouts can improve your sleep, it depends on the person. You might throw off your sleep cycle, resulting in fatigue and sleep inertia or grogginess. You can calculate your sleep cycle to determine your best exercise times.
How to get the most out of a morning workout

If morning workouts are the best option for you, they can be optimized in a few ways. If you’re already struggling with exercising earlier, why not make the most of it?

  • Eat a nutritious breakfast – since you have lower energy in the morning, make sure you eat before a workout. Try foods such as whole-grain cereals or bread, a banana, and yogurt. Look for foods that will fill you up but not weigh you down. The double-edged sword is that you need to wait after you’ve eaten before you exercise- it’s recommended that you wait one to two hours after you eat a meal to exercise or 30 to 60 minutes after you eat a snack.
  • Keep a schedule – one of the best ways to make something a habit is to maintain a schedule around it. Wake up at the same time and exercise at the same time. Do this at whatever frequency you wish but keep to that schedule.
  • Stretch – your body is just waking up, so don’t push it. Take at least five minutes to do basic stretches that warm up your body to prevent injury.

Although they may be harder to break into, morning workouts give you more bang for your buck. It’s essential, however, to choose which time of day is best for you. Weighing in factors like your diet and sleep cycle can help you decide on the right course of action.

Five Large Contributions Women Made in Healthcare

Did you know that today women make up 77.6 percent of the total healthcare workforce in the US? This field may have a strong female presence now, but it wasn’t always this way. In honor of National Women’s Day, we want to introduce you to five women whose contributions changed the face of the medical field. Each of these women in healthcare and science broke down barriers to champion equality, education, and the advancement of women in the workforce during a time when it was extremely unpopular to do so. Here are five contributions women made in healthcare that hugely impacted our world.

Alice Evans‘ Contribution Led to Safer Milk

The discovery of the bacterium responsible for undulant fever led to the practice of pasteurizing milk in the 1930s. We owe this to microbiologist Alice Evans. With no doctorate or medical degree to her name, she made waves in her community when microbiology was in its early stages. Because of her discovery, she became the first female president of the Society of American Bacteriologists.

Florence Seibert’s Contribution led to the First Tuberculosis Test

Biochemist Florence Seibert was responsible for this ground-breaking advancement. Tuberculosis (also known as consumption) had killed one in seven people that lived by the 19th century. This testing is still the standard today, and confirmed Tuberculosis is easily treated in almost all cases with a mix of antibiotics administered over six months. Even after retirement, she continued to research on a volunteer basis and was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame at age 90.

Dame Cicely Saunders’ Contribution was the Founding of Hospice

Although hospice-like care is believed to have been established in the 11th century during the Crusades, the modern-day hospice system has only existed since the 1960s. In 1963, British physician Dame Cicely Saunders gave a talk at Yale University about her ideas of specialized care for the dying. She worked with terminally ill patients in London for several years but didn’t open the first hospice ‘St. Christopher’s’ until 1967. Inspired by Seibert’s Yale visit, Dr. Florence Wald, Dean of the Yale School of Nursing, opened the first US hospice in Branford, Connecticut, in 1974. As of 2023, the US has 1,805 hospices and palliative care centers in the US. The centers are vital to end-of-life care and are instrumental in making a challenging situation for patients and their families easier.

Gertrude Elion’s Contribution Led to the Possibility of Organ Transplants

At age 15, Gertrude Elion witnessed her grandfather die painfully from stomach cancer. It was then she set out to pursue her life’s mission of alleviating suffering from medical conditions. Her greatest discovery came when she developed azathioprine, also known as Imuran. This discovery makes organ transplants possible; a procedure performed 3,636 times in the US in the past year. Elion’s work also pioneered a new era of antiviral therapy that opened the doors to the first drug discovered to treat AIDS. An illness that has killed an estimated 1 million people worldwide since the start of its epidemic.

Marie Curie’s Contribution was the Discovery of Radium and Polonium and Their Use in Cancer Treatments

Marie Curie is arguably one of the most famous women in scientific history. Still, many don’t know the specifics of her story. She and her husband, Pierre Curie, discovered radium and polonium and coined the term “radioactive.” Because of this work, she became the first woman to receive a doctorate degree in France. She and her husband provided radium for the first treatment known as “brachytherapy” in 1901. Shortly after, the famous Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center started the groundbreaking therapy in 1903. During World War I, she hid her radium research to create, with her daughter, hundreds of standing x-ray facilities in France to assist wounded soldiers on the frontlines. To this day, Curie is the only woman to have received two Nobel Prizes. Her contributions to cancer treatment are still used today, helping the estimated 1.9 million people diagnosed with cancer in the US in 2022 alone.

We are honored to celebrate these women in healthcare and science, their contributions, and the doors they opened for future generations. To learn about more women in healthcare that have helped pave the way, read our previous blog celebrating International Women’s Day!

Why Annual Physicals Are a Vital Preventative Care Element

With the new year already underway, are you thinking about your health? A Statista survey revealed that people are more likely to be health conscious around this time of the year, with “living healthier” being the number one resolution from 2022. If you plan to prioritize your health in 2023, consider involving your primary care physician. Getting a physical is a great way to help kick-start the new year. Annual physicals are also a vital part of preventative care and keeping tabs on your health, as many illnesses can go unnoticed. According to the CDC, six in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease, which are the leading causes of death and disability in the nation. During a physical, your doctor can run a few tests to rule out chronic illnesses or diseases that could cost you a lot of time and money if left untreated.

Top five questions to ask your doctor at a yearly check-up

Now that you’re planning an annual physical, will you ask the right questions? Your primary care physician will do most of the heavy lifting, but it’s essential that you also take charge in asking about your health. We talked with Healthcare2U’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Rodriguez, about the top five questions you should ask your doctor at your yearly check-up, here are his recommendations:

  1. Am I up to date on adult immunizations?
  2. What are my vital signs, and are they normal?
  3. Are my prescriptions still relevant?
  4. Is there anything I could do to better my health?
  5. Do I have any family medical history that puts me at risk for illnesses?

Bear in mind- these are just general questions that everyone should be asking. If you have preexisting conditions or are currently dealing with a medical issue during your check-up, you’ll want to ask specific questions related to your current health. However, the last thing you should do is self-diagnose; let a doctor handle your diagnosis.

How Healthcare2U’s DPC membership is a vital part of preventative care 

If you want an annual physical, you’ll probably need to use insurance. With varying insurance costs and steep out of pocket co-pays, it’s easy to see why so many people can’t access these yearly check-ups, as it can be difficult to afford such a high monthly payment. However, if you’re a member of Healthcare2U, there is an alternative option to primary care access that helps you receive the care you need.

Healthcare2U’s DPC membership focuses on prevention and caters to each member, so you have an ally in managing your health.

Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care (DPC) membership caters to you through affordable and easy-to-access primary medical care. Healthcare2U provides unlimited in-office primary and urgent care visits, 24/7/365 bilingual Virtual DPC, and chronic disease management for 13 disease states. Membership also includes an annual physical with four labs: (1) complete metabolic panel (CMP), (2) complete blood count (CBC), (3) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and (4) lipid panel. By getting these annual tests, you’ll know more about your health and be able to make a plan with your doctor if you need further care.

Keep in mind, should these tests detect the beginning stages of a chronic disease* you’ll receive unlimited doctor visits for treating and managing that illness for just $10 per visit. Combined with our bilingual Patient Advocacy Line (PAL) and Virtual DPC, every member receives the guidance and care they need when they need it. Healthcare2U’s DPC membership focuses on prevention and caters to each member, so you have an ally in managing your health.

For more information on how the DPCplus membership can play a vital role in your preventative care, contact us or read more about our membership.


*Healthcare2U’s membership includes the detection, treatment and management of 13 chronic disease states within manageable ranges. Contact us to learn more.

City of Newark Sees Significant Savings by Integrating Healthcare2U into Medical Plan

By incorporating Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care within the City of Newark’s Aetna medical plan, Foundation Risk Partners generated significant savings for the city while enriching healthcare options.

March 7, 2023 (Newark, NJ) – After receiving a 21 percent rate increase for their health insurance premiums, the City of Newark sought a solution to contain healthcare spending. In response, Eagle Rock Management Group, a Foundation Risk Partners (FRP) Company, integrated The City of Newark’s Aetna medical plan with Healthcare2U. This partnership reduced the city’s aggregate stop loss numbers by 3 percent.

Healthcare2U’s Direct Primary Care (DPC) membership provides a defined set of primary care services that do not generate insurance claims against a medical plan. This claims deflection results in significant premium savings for employers year-over-year.

“With inflation and increased pension and employee benefit contributions, saving money was more important than ever,” says Joseph DiVincenzo, President of Eagle Rock Management Group. “We needed a solution to provide valuable care that did not hit the underlying self-funded medical plan. Because of its cost-containment nature, Direct Primary Care through Healthcare2U was that solution. If employers are deflecting these non-emergency claims, they are saving money.”

Healthcare2U’s membership prioritizes patient advocacy and member education to direct employees through the proper utilization of medical care. Their bilingual Patient Advocacy Line does this by guiding members through their health plan, and even assists with scheduling. Healthcare2U’s unlimited benefits include in-office acute visits for primary and urgent care, annual physicals with four labs, early-stage chronic disease management, and 24/7 Virtual DPC. The membership is nationwide and available for organizations of all sizes.

About Healthcare2U

Healthcare2U is a membership-based, hybrid direct primary care (DPC) organization that ensures employers of all sizes and structures have nationwide access to affordable, consistent, and quality primary care over 40% below the average cost of traditional DPC practices operating in the market today. Through our proprietary Private Physician Network (PPN)™, Healthcare2U promotes healthy living by detecting, treating, and managing acute and chronic conditions before the onset of serious illness. Healthcare2U is headquartered in Austin, Texas and is available nationwide. For more information, visit

Find Healthcare2U on LinkedIn and follow Healthcare2U’s blog to keep up with company developments, news, and informative articles.

©2023 Healthcare2U, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Healthcare2U and the Healthcare2U logo are trademarks of Healthcare2U, LLC in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks referenced are those of their respective owners.

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Scientists are Developing a Pill that Could Replace Insulin

Healthcare2U’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Rodriguez speaks with Doug Wagner about exciting strides being made in the development of a pill that could replace insulin for type 1 diabetes sufferers.

Interview Transcript

Wagner: Dr. John Rodriguez joins me next. If you’re a type 1 diabetic, you’ll want to listen to this. People may have the ability to take pills instead of using insulin shots to control their diabetes. It’s the WMT Morning Show with Doug Wagner on News Radio 600 WMT. On the Morning Show, it is 6:46. Welcome to your Tuesday, February 14th. Welcoming to the newsmaker line, a Texan has got to appreciate a little Stevie Ray Vaughn this early in the morning.

Dr. John Rodriguez joining me on the newsmaker line. I appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. I’ll introduce a little bit more about you and what you do, how you do with coming up. But I want my listeners to find out how important what you’re talking about is, as I was telling the story earlier, I’ve got a buddy I didn’t realize, a super athlete. He had type 1 diabetes all the way through. Even as a super athlete, as an adult, he had to have a transplant because of the effect type 1 diabetes had on his body, even though he was working hard to control it through insulin. What you’re going to tell us though is that type 1 diabetes may be able to be controlled in the future using pills instead of shots. How far in the future? Is this now, or not?

Dr. Rodriguez: Well, it’s just a little few more years far out, but the researchers at the University of British Columbia finally look like they’ve come up with a pill. Because, by the way, this has gone on for years. They studied the pill, and they can’t get it right. They think this time that they found a way to get the insulin into our systems that’s not going to break down and cause problems like the previous pills. So, the fact that they could put a pill between your cheek and gum and have it absorbed and have it almost a hundred percent absorbed, is amazing.

The applications are tremendous, right? So, you don’t have to carry around insulin in a refrigerator and constantly be giving yourself shots before or after a meal or bedtime, etc. I mean, it’s going to be a godsend to a lot of these young kids that have to do this- that’s a traumatic experience. So, it’s an awesome thing to see. We hope it’s going to come to fruition very soon, but it’s going to take time, just like any research product takes time. So, that’s coming.

Wagner: Dr. John Rodriguez is the Chief Medical Officer of Healthcare2U. Passionate about the care provided to you as patients, he manages all the care providers in Healthcare2U’s network of clinics. We were talking before we got on the air- you say that this may have application for type 2 diabetes down the line as well.

Dr. Rodriguez: Absolutely. Type 2, granted, it is a lifestyle, sadly enough. I mean, if we just get up, get off the couch, move, eat healthy, that’s going to fix our diabetes. But in the case that that can’t happen, and we have to inject with insulin, which is always a last resort, this is going to be much, much more palatable instead of a shot and carrying around insulin in a refrigerator. This is a way you can give yourself a pill before or after your meal to supplement that glucose load that you’re going to get. So, even in type 2, there are applications.

Wagner: It’s so interesting the way technology is allowing us to do things so much differently. And especially because I remember the first girl that I had a crush on was a type 1 diabetic. She’d be outside playing, and her mom would call her in for an insulin shot. Everybody else was having birthday cake, and she wasn’t. And I felt so badly for her.

But now with this insulin-mimicking molecule that can be developed in an oral pill, this can really allow for much more freedom.

Dr. Rodriguez: Absolutely. And then that’s the thing, I mean, we see our kids, and you love your kids, but to have a child with type 1 is just… It’s such a burden and a cross to carry. But this would make it a little easier when you can have that option.

Wagner: And it’s just amazing too, guys, because I was telling the story of the friend of mine from high school. He was a super athlete, a freak. The kid was five-nine, and he could get up way over the rim and dunk a basketball. He is still in super fit shape, but he had type 1 diabetes for all those years, and it just has started to ruin his kidneys. Is this something that is going to be able to help push back on that as well, the way that you have organ failure because of diabetes or not?

Dr. Rodriguez: Yeah, absolutely. And again, one of the cruxes of diabetes is the high sugar load, right? When you have high sugar loads in the bloodstream running around for months and years, it creates nerve damage and vascular damage to the body that creates your heart attacks and your strokes and your kidney failures, etc.  So, that’s the nice thing about the pill. It’s going to help reduce that.

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